Nie będę ponownie redagował B e t a ( k - 12 ,n - k2 )dystrybucja w doskonałej odpowiedzi @ Alecos (jest to standardowy wynik, patrztutajkolejna miła dyskusja), ale chcę podać więcej szczegółów na temat konsekwencji! Po pierwsze, co robi dystrybucję NULLR2wyglądać dla różnych wartościnik? Wykres w odpowiedzi @ Alecos jest dość reprezentatywny dla tego, co dzieje się w praktycznych regresjach wielokrotnych, ale czasami wgląd można uzyskać łatwiej z mniejszych przypadków. Podałem średnią, tryb (tam, gdzie on istnieje) i odchylenie standardowe. Wykres / tabela zasługuje na dobrą gałkę oczną:najlepiej oglądać w pełnym rozmiarze. Mógłbym uwzględnić mniej aspektów, ale wzór byłby mniej wyraźny; ZałączyłemBeta(k−12,n−k2)R2nkR
kod, aby czytelnicy mogli eksperymentować z różnymi podzbiorami n i k .nk

Wartości parametrów kształtu
Schemat kolorów wykresu wskazuje, czy każdy parametr kształtu jest mniejszy niż jeden (czerwony), równy jeden (niebieski), czy więcej niż jeden (zielony). Lewa strona pokazuje wartość α, podczas gdy β jest po prawej stronie. Ponieważ α = k - 1αβ2 , jego wartość wzrasta w postępie arytmetycznym o wspólną różnicę1α=k−122, gdy przechodzimy od kolumny do kolumny (dodaj regresor do naszego modelu), podczas gdy dla ustalonegon,β=n-k12n2 zmniejsza się o1β=n−k2212. The total α+β=n−12α+β=n−12 is fixed for each row (for a given sample size). If instead we fix kk and move down the column (increase sample size by 1), then αα stays constant and ββ increases by 1212. In regression terms, αα is half the number of regressors included in the model, and ββ is half the residual degrees of freedom. To determine the shape of the distribution we are particularly interested in where αα or ββ equal one.
The algebra is straightforward for αα: we have k−12=1k−12=1 so k=3k=3. This is indeed the only column of the facet plot that's filled blue on the left. Similarly α<1α<1 for k<3k<3 (the k=2k=2 column is red on the left) and α>1α>1 for k>3k>3 (from the k=4k=4 column onwards, the left side is green).
For β=1β=1 we have n−k2=1n−k2=1 hence k=n−2k=n−2. Note how these cases (marked with a blue right-hand side) cut a diagonal line across the facet plot. For β>1β>1 we obtain k<n−2k<n−2 (the graphs with a green left side lie to the left of the diagonal line). For β<1β<1 we need k>n−2k>n−2, which involves only the right-most cases on my graph: at n=kn=k we have β=0β=0 and the distribution is degenerate, but n=k−1n=k−1 where β=12β=12 is plotted (right side in red).
Since the PDF is f(x;α,β)∝xα−1(1−x)β−1f(x;α,β)∝xα−1(1−x)β−1, it is clear that if (and only if) α<1α<1 then f(x)→∞f(x)→∞ as x→0x→0. We can see this in the graph: when the left side is shaded red, observe the behaviour at 0. Similarly when β<1β<1 then f(x)→∞f(x)→∞ as x→1x→1. Look where the right side is red!
One of the most eye-catching features of the graph is the level of symmetry, but when the Beta distribution is involved, this shouldn't be surprising!
The Beta distribution itself is symmetric if α=βα=β. For us this occurs if n=2k−1n=2k−1 which correctly identifies the panels (k=2,n=3)(k=2,n=3), (k=3,n=5)(k=3,n=5), (k=4,n=7)(k=4,n=7) and (k=5,n=9)(k=5,n=9). The extent to which the distribution is symmetric across R2=0.5R2=0.5 depends on how many regressor variables we include in the model for that sample size. If k=n+12k=n+12 the distribution of R2R2 is perfectly symmetric about 0.5; if we include fewer variables than that it becomes increasingly asymmetric and the bulk of the probability mass shifts closer to R2=0R2=0; if we include more variables then it shifts closer to R2=1R2=1. Remember that kk includes the intercept in its count, and that we are working under the null, so the regressor variables should have coefficient zero in the correctly specified model.
There is also an obviously symmetry between distributions for any given nn, i.e. any row in the facet grid. For example, compare (k=3,n=9)(k=3,n=9) with (k=7,n=9)(k=7,n=9). What's causing this? Recall that the distribution of Beta(α,β)Beta(α,β) is the mirror image of Beta(β,α)Beta(β,α) across x=0.5x=0.5. Now we had αk,n=k−12αk,n=k−12 and βk,n=n−k2βk,n=n−k2. Consider k′=n−k+1k′=n−k+1 and we find:
So this explains the symmetry as we vary the number of regressors in the model for a fixed sample size. It also explains the distributions that are themselves symmetric as a special case: for them, k′=kk′=k so they are obliged to be symmetric with themselves!
This tells us something we might not have guessed about multiple regression: for a given sample size nn, and assuming no regressors have a genuine relationship with YY, the R2R2 for a model using k−1k−1 regressors plus an intercept has the same distribution as 1−R21−R2 does for a model with k−1k−1 residual degrees of freedom remaining.
Special distributions
When k=nk=n we have β=0β=0, which isn't a valid parameter. However, as β→0β→0 the distribution becomes degenerate with a spike such that P(R2=1)=1P(R2=1)=1. This is consistent with what we know about a model with as many parameters as data points - it achieves perfect fit. I haven't drawn the degenerate distribution on my graph but did include the mean, mode and standard deviation.
When k=2k=2 and n=3n=3 we obtain Beta(12,12)Beta(12,12) which is the arcsine distribution. This is symmetric (since α=βα=β) and bimodal (0 and 1). Since this is the only case where both α<1α<1 and β<1β<1 (marked red on both sides), it is our only distribution which goes to infinity at both ends of the support.
The Beta(1,1)Beta(1,1) distribution is the only Beta distribution to be rectangular (uniform). All values of R2R2 from 0 to 1 are equally likely. The only combination of kk and nn for which α=β=1α=β=1 occurs is k=3k=3 and n=5n=5 (marked blue on both sides).
The previous special cases are of limited applicability but the case α>1α>1 and β=1β=1 (green on left, blue on right) is important. Now f(x;α,β)∝xα−1(1−x)β−1=xα−1f(x;α,β)∝xα−1(1−x)β−1=xα−1 so we have a power-law distribution on [0, 1]. Of course it's unlikely we'd perform a regression with k=n−2k=n−2 and k>3k>3, which is when this situation occurs. But by the previous symmetry argument, or some trivial algebra on the PDF, when k=3k=3 and n>5n>5, which is the frequent procedure of multiple regression with two regressors and an intercept on a non-trivial sample size, R2R2 will follow a reflected power law distribution on [0, 1] under H0H0. This corresponds to α=1α=1 and β>1β>1 so is marked blue on left, green on right.
You may also have noticed the triangular distributions at (k=5,n=7)(k=5,n=7) and its reflection (k=3,n=7)(k=3,n=7). We can recognise from their αα and ββ that these are just special cases of the power-law and reflected power-law distributions where the power is 2−1=12−1=1.
If α>1α>1 and β>1β>1, all green in the plot, f(x;α,β)f(x;α,β) is concave with f(0)=f(1)=0f(0)=f(1)=0, and the Beta distribution has a unique mode α−1α+β−2α−1α+β−2. Putting these in terms of kk and nn, the condition becomes k>3k>3 and n>k+2n>k+2 while the mode is k−3n−5k−3n−5.
All other cases have been dealt with above. If we relax the inequality to allow β=1β=1, then we include the (green-blue) power-law distributions with k=n−2k=n−2 and k>3k>3 (equivalently, n>5n>5). These cases clearly have mode 1, which actually agrees with the previous formula since (n−2)−3n−5=1(n−2)−3n−5=1. If instead we allowed α=1α=1 but still demanded β>1β>1, we'd find the (blue-green) reflected power-law distributions with k=3k=3 and n>5n>5. Their mode is 0, which agrees with 3−3n−5=03−3n−5=0. However, if we relaxed both inequalities simultaneously to allow α=β=1α=β=1, we'd find the (all blue) uniform distribution with k=3k=3 and n=5n=5, which does not have a unique mode. Moreover the previous formula can't be applied in this case, since it would return the indeterminate form 3−35−5=003−35−5=00.
When n=kn=k we get a degenerate distribution with mode 1. When β<1β<1 (in regression terms, n=k−1n=k−1 so there is only one residual degree of freedom) then f(x)→∞f(x)→∞ as x→1x→1, and when α<1α<1 (in regression terms, k=2k=2 so a simple linear model with intercept and one regressor) then f(x)→∞ as x→0. These would be unique modes except in the unusual case where k=2 and n=3 (fitting a simple linear model to three points) which is bimodal at 0 and 1.
The question asked about the mode, but the mean of R2 under the null is also interesting - it has the remarkably simple form k−1n−1. For a fixed sample size it increases in arithmetic progression as more regressors are added to the model, until the mean value is 1 when k=n. The mean of a Beta distribution is αα+β so such an arithmetic progression was inevitable from our earlier observation that, for fixed n, the sum α+β is constant but α increases by 0.5 for each regressor added to the model.
Code for plots
nlist <- 3:9 #change here which n to plot
klist <- 2:8 #change here which k to plot
totaln <- length(nlist)
totalk <- length(klist)
df <- data.frame(
x = rep(seq(0, 1, length.out = 100), times = totaln * totalk),
k = rep(klist, times = totaln, each = 100),
n = rep(nlist, each = totalk * 100)
df <- mutate(df,
kname = paste("k =", k),
nname = paste("n =", n),
a = (k-1)/2,
b = (n-k)/2,
density = dbeta(x, (k-1)/2, (n-k)/2),
groupcol = ifelse(x < 0.5,
ifelse(a < 1, "below 1", ifelse(a ==1, "equals 1", "more than 1")),
ifelse(b < 1, "below 1", ifelse(b ==1, "equals 1", "more than 1")))
g <- ggplot(df, aes(x, density)) +
geom_line(size=0.8) + geom_area(aes(group=groupcol, fill=groupcol)) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
facet_grid(nname ~ kname) +
ylab("probability density") + theme_bw() +
labs(x = expression(R^{2}), fill = expression(alpha~(left)~beta~(right))) +
theme(panel.margin = unit(0.6, "lines"),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = "black"),
legend.position = c(1, 1), legend.justification = c(1, 1))
df2 <- data.frame(
k = rep(klist, times = totaln),
n = rep(nlist, each = totalk),
x = 0.5,
ymean = 7.5,
ymode = 5,
ysd = 2.5
df2 <- mutate(df2,
kname = paste("k =", k),
nname = paste("n =", n),
a = (k-1)/2,
b = (n-k)/2,
meanR2 = ifelse(k > n, NaN, a/(a+b)),
modeR2 = ifelse((a>1 & b>=1) | (a>=1 & b>1), (a-1)/(a+b-2),
ifelse(a<1 & b>=1 & n>=k, 0, ifelse(a>=1 & b<1 & n>=k, 1, NaN))),
sdR2 = ifelse(k > n, NaN, sqrt(a*b/((a+b)^2 * (a+b+1)))),
meantext = ifelse(is.nan(meanR2), "", paste("Mean =", round(meanR2,3))),
modetext = ifelse(is.nan(modeR2), "", paste("Mode =", round(modeR2,3))),
sdtext = ifelse(is.nan(sdR2), "", paste("SD =", round(sdR2,3)))
g <- g + geom_text(data=df2, aes(x, ymean, label=meantext)) +
geom_text(data=df2, aes(x, ymode, label=modetext)) +
geom_text(data=df2, aes(x, ysd, label=sdtext))