Skompilować emacsa za pomocą xwidget pod OSX?


Jak skompilować Emacsa xwidgetpod OSX?

Podczas próby uruchomienia ./configure --prefix=$HOME/emacs-xwidgets --with-x-toolkit=gtk3 --with-xwidgetspojawia się błąd configure: error: xwidgets requested but gtk3 not used.. Ale wygląda na to, że mam GTK + 3.0 -

sandric@sandric-mac ~/emacs> brew install gtk+3 Error: gtk+3-3.18.9 already installed To install this version, first `brew unlink gtk+3`

Wygląda na to, że nie mam gtk3pakietu pkg-config- sandric@sandric-mac ~> pkg-config --list-all libzmq libzmq - 0MQ c++ library gio-unix-2.0 GIO unix specific APIs - unix specific headers for glib I/O library libusb-1.0 libusb-1.0 - C API for USB device access from Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and OpenBSD/NetBSD userspace gobject-introspection-no-export-1.0 gobject-introspection - GObject Introspection libecpg_compat libecpg_compat - PostgreSQL libecpg_compat library gio-2.0 GIO - glib I/O library libcdt libcdt - Container DataType library cairo-gobject cairo-gobject - gobject functions for cairo graphics library harfbuzz-icu harfbuzz - HarfBuzz text shaping library ICU integration cairo-quartz-font cairo-quartz-font - Quartz font backend for cairo graphics library libpng16 libpng - Loads and saves PNG files dbus-1 dbus - Free desktop message bus ImageMagick++ ImageMagick++ - Magick++ - C++ API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16) cairo-ps cairo-ps - PostScript surface backend for cairo graphics library gmodule-2.0 GModule - Dynamic module loader for GLib lcms lcms - LCMS Color Management Library glib-2.0 GLib - C Utility Library ImageMagick ImageMagick - ImageMagick - convert, edit, and compose images (ABI Q16) Magick++-6.Q16 Magick++ - Magick++ - C++ API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16) gimpthumb-2.0 GIMP Thumb - GIMP Thumbnail Library gdlib gd - GD graphics library libpcre2-16 libpcre2-16 - PCRE2 - Perl compatible regular expressions C library (2nd API) with 16 bit character support pango Pango - Internationalized text handling uuid OSSP uuid - Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Library babl babl - Dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library MagickWand MagickWand - MagickWand - C API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16) libedit libedit - command line editor library provides generic line editing, history, and tokenization functions. libublio ublio - UBLIO caching library libicns libicns - Loads and saves Macintosh icns files libcgraph libcgraph - Graph library (file i/o, dot language parsing, graph, subgraph, node, edge, attribute, data structure manipulation) libpcrecpp libpcrecpp - PCRECPP - C++ wrapper for PCRE pangoft2 Pango FT2 and Pango Fc - Freetype 2.0 and fontconfig font support for Pango libevent_pthreads libevent_pthreads - libevent_pthreads adds pthreads-based threading support to libevent gdk-pixbuf-2.0 GdkPixbuf - Image loading and scaling gmodule-no-export-2.0 GModule - Dynamic module loader for GLib MagickCore-6.Q16 MagickCore - MagickCore - C API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16) osxfuse fuse - OSXFUSE libcroco-0.6 libcroco - a CSS2 Parsing and manipulation Library in C. libxdot libxdot - Library for parsing graphs in xdot format liblzma liblzma - General purpose data compression library gtk+-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library libssh2 libssh2 - Library for SSH-based communication gobject-introspection-1.0 gobject-introspection - GObject Introspection Magick++ Magick++ - Magick++ - C++ API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16) gtk+-unix-print-2.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Unix print support libiodbc iODBC - iODBC Driver Manager libfontforgeexe libfontforgeexe - for embedding the FontForge UI in a program. gdk-2.0 GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit (quartz target) gtk-mac-integration-gtk2 gtk-mac-integration-gtk2 - Mac menu bar and dock integration for GTK+ gtk-mac-integration-gtk3 gtk-mac-integration-gtk3 - Mac menu bar and dock integration for GTK+ yaml-0.1 LibYAML - Library to parse and emit YAML libssl OpenSSL - Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries libpcre2-32 libpcre2-32 - PCRE2 - Perl compatible regular expressions C library (2nd API) with 32 bit character support apr-util-1 APR Utils - Companion library for APR libevent libevent - libevent is an asynchronous notification event loop library openssl OpenSSL - Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries and tools libevent_openssl libevent_openssl - libevent_openssl adds openssl-based TLS support to libevent mysqlclient mysqlclient - MySQL client library cairo-pdf cairo-pdf - PDF surface backend for cairo graphics library gimpui-2.0 GIMP UI - GIMP User Interface Library apr-1 APR - The Apache Portable Runtime library gdk-quartz-2.0 GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit (quartz target) pangocairo Pango Cairo - Cairo rendering support for Pango gmodule-export-2.0 GModule - Dynamic module loader for GLib libgvpr libgvpr - The GVPR library gimp-2.0 GIMP - GIMP Library libpq libpq - PostgreSQL libpq library ImageMagick++-6.Q16 ImageMagick++ - Magick++ - C++ API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16) Wand-6.Q16 MagickWand - MagickCore - C API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16) gsettings-desktop-schemas gsettings-desktop-schemas - Shared GSettings schemas for the desktop, including helper headers pixman-1 Pixman - The pixman library (version 1) libpcre2-8 libpcre2-8 - PCRE2 - Perl compatible regular expressions C library (2nd API) with 8 bit character support cairo-quartz-image cairo-quartz-image - Quartz Image surface backend for cairo graphics library gtk+-quartz-2.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library (quartz target) libpathplan libpathplan - Library for planning polyline and bezier paths around polygon obstacles libpcre16 libpcre16 - PCRE - Perl compatible regular expressions C library with 16 bit character support libfontforge libfontforge - a font manipulation library. libtiff-4 libtiff - Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library. gobject-2.0 GObject - GLib Type, Object, Parameter and Signal Library libgvc libgvc - The GraphVizContext library gtk+-unix-print-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Unix print support libpng libpng - Loads and saves PNG files gthread-2.0 GThread - Thread support for GLib cairo-fc cairo-fc - Fontconfig font backend for cairo graphics library fontconfig Fontconfig - Font configuration and customization library libecpg libecpg - PostgreSQL libecpg library cairo cairo - Multi-platform 2D graphics library gdk-3.0 GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit pygobject-2.0 PyGObject - Python bindings for GObject libcrypto OpenSSL-libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptography library libpcreposix libpcreposix - PCREPosix - Posix compatible interface to libpcre cairo-png cairo-png - PNG functions for cairo graphics library cairo-ft cairo-ft - FreeType font backend for cairo graphics library epoxy epoxy - epoxy GL dispatch Library gtk-mac-integration gtk-mac-integration-gtk2 - Mac menu bar and dock integration for GTK+ Wand MagickWand - MagickCore - C API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16) atk Atk - Accessibility Toolkit libpcre2-posix libpcre2-posix - Posix compatible interface to libpcre2-8 fish fish - fish, the friendly interactive shell libntfs-3g libntfs-3g - NTFS-3G Read/Write Driver Library libczmq libczmq - The high-level C binding for 0MQ cairo-svg cairo-svg - SVG surface backend for cairo graphics library libsodium libsodium - A portable, cross-compilable, installable, packageable fork of NaCl, with a compatible API. gdk-quartz-3.0 GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit cairo-quartz cairo-quartz - Quartz surface backend for cairo graphics library fuse fuse - OSXFUSE harfbuzz harfbuzz - HarfBuzz text shaping library libtls LibreSSL-libtls - Secure communications using the TLS socket protocol. MagickWand-6.Q16 MagickWand - MagickWand - C API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16) libpgtypes libpgtypes - PostgreSQL libpgtypes library pycairo Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo libpcre libpcre - PCRE - Perl compatible regular expressions C library with 8 bit character support cairo-script cairo-script - script surface backend for cairo graphics library ImageMagick-6.Q16 ImageMagick - ImageMagick - convert, edit, and compose images (ABI Q16) libpcre32 libpcre32 - PCRE - Perl compatible regular expressions C library with 32 bit character support gail-3.0 Gail - GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library cairo-tee cairo-tee - tee surface backend for cairo graphics library freetype2 FreeType 2 - A free, high-quality, and portable font engine. slang slang - S-Lang programming library and interpreter MagickCore MagickCore - MagickCore - C API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16) gtk+-quartz-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library librsvg-2.0 librsvg - library that renders svg files gtk+-2.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library (quartz target) oniguruma oniguruma - Regular expression library harfbuzz-gobject harfbuzz - HarfBuzz text shaping library GObject integration pygtk-2.0 PyGTK - Python bindings for GTK+ and related libraries gail Gail - GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library

Czy zamierzasz używać x11, czy zamierzasz być częścią standardowej wersji GUI bez OSX x11? Zobacz także moje powiązane pytanie dotyczące reddit - Co to jest odpowiednik Macports dla xwidgets? :…

Otrzymaj ten sam komunikat o błędzie tutaj, po dołączeniu --without-ns, teraz mówi: configure: error: xwidgets requested but WebKitGTK+ not found.Chociaż zainstalowałem webkitgtkprzez homebrew.

Emacs nie obsługuje x11, zobacz tę rozmowę



Mam pakiet GTK + -3 zainstalowany przez HomeBrew i mogę go zobaczyć za pomocą pkg-config --list-all. Mam w moim .zshrc następujące informacje, które mogą mieć znaczenie:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.2/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Aby włączyć zestaw narzędzi gtk3, musisz również wyłączyć opcję nextstep jako opcję budowania, dodając --without-nsdo konfiguracji.

i udało ci się skompilować emacsa za pomocą xwidgets? I uruchomić w nim webkit?

Jeszcze nie próbowałem. Jeśli wykonujesz eksport za pomocą tej linii, czy pakiet gtk + 3 jest wykrywany przez pkg-config?

Teraz mogę przejść dalej w konfiguracji z opcją --without-ns, ale nie mam zainstalowanej poprawnej wersji webkitgtk +, aby ją pomyślnie zbudować.


oprócz opcji --without-ns, potrzebujesz także opcji --without-x11, aby zmusić gtk + 3 do użycia kwarcu.

brew install --build-from-source at-spi2-core at-spi2-atk cairo harfbuzz pango gtk+ librsvg gnome-icon-theme gtk+3 --without-ns --without-x --without-x11 --with-gtk+3

Musiałem zainstalować giflibz brew install giflibtak dobrzelibgif/libungif

Czy udało Ci się zainstalować GNU emacs z obsługą xwidgets na Macach?
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