Mój czysty bash sposób
Ponieważ zmienne te zawierają tylko vol-XXX
tam, gdzie XXX
jest liczba szesnastkowa, istnieje szybki sposób na użycie tablic bash
unset A B a b c i # Only usefull for re-testing...
A=(vol-175a3b54 vol-382c477b vol-8c027acf vol-93d6fed0 vol-71600106 vol-79f7970e
vol-e3d6a894 vol-d9d6a8ae vol-8dbbc2fa vol-98c2bbef vol-ae7ed9e3 vol-5540e618
vol-9e3bbed3 vol-993bbed4 vol-a83bbee5 vol-ff52deb2)
B=(vol-175a3b54 vol-e38d0c94 vol-2a19386a vol-b846c5cf vol-98c2bbef vol-7320102b
vol-8f6226cc vol-27991850 vol-71600106 vol-615e1222)
for i in ${A[@]#vol-};do
[ "${a[$((16#$i))]}" ] && echo Duplicate vol-$i in A
for i in ${B[@]#vol-};do
[ "${b[$((16#$i))]}" ] && echo Duplicate vol-$i in B
[ "${c[$((16#$i))]}" ] && echo Present in A and B: vol-$i
To musi generować:
Present in A and B vol-175a3b54
Present in A and B vol-98c2bbef
Present in A and B vol-71600106
W tym stanie środowisko bash zawiera:
set | grep ^c=
c=([391789396]="2" [664344656]="1" [706295914]="1" [942425979]="1" [1430316568]="1"
[1633554978]="1" [1902117126]="2" [1931481131]="1" [2046269198]="1" [2348972751]="1"
[2377892602]="1" [2405574348]="1" [2480340688]="1" [2562898927]="2" [2570829524]="1"
[2654715603]="1" [2822487781]="1" [2927548899]="1" [3091645903]="1" [3654723758]="1"
[3817671828]="1" [3822495892]="1" [4283621042]="1")
Więc możesz:
for i in ${!b[@]};do
[ ${c[$i]} -eq 1 ] &&
printf "Present only in B: vol-%8x\n" $i
To spowoduje:
Present only in B: vol-27991850
Present only in B: vol-2a19386a
Present only in B: vol-615e1222
Present only in B: vol-7320102b
Present only in B: vol-8f6226cc
Present only in B: vol-b846c5cf
Present only in B: vol-e38d0c94
Ale to jest posortowane numerycznie! Jeśli chcesz oryginalne zamówienie, możesz:
for i in ${B[@]#vol-};do
[ ${c[((16#$i))]} -eq 1 ] && printf "Present in B only: vol-%s\n" $i
Więc wyświetlasz vols w tej samej kolejności, w jakiej zostały przesłane:
Present in B only: vol-e38d0c94
Present in B only: vol-2a19386a
Present in B only: vol-b846c5cf
Present in B only: vol-7320102b
Present in B only: vol-8f6226cc
Present in B only: vol-27991850
Present in B only: vol-615e1222
for i in ${!a[@]};do
[ ${c[$i]} -eq 1 ] && printf "Present only in A: vol-%8x\n" $i
za pokazywanie tylko w A :
Present only in A: vol-382c477b
Present only in A: vol-5540e618
Present only in A: vol-79f7970e
Present only in A: vol-8c027acf
Present only in A: vol-8dbbc2fa
Present only in A: vol-93d6fed0
Present only in A: vol-993bbed4
Present only in A: vol-9e3bbed3
Present only in A: vol-a83bbee5
Present only in A: vol-ae7ed9e3
Present only in A: vol-d9d6a8ae
Present only in A: vol-e3d6a894
Present only in A: vol-ff52deb2
lub nawet:
for i in ${!b[@]};do
[ ${c[$i]} -eq 2 ] && printf "Present in both A and B: vol-%8x\n" $i
będzie ponownie wydrukować :
Present in both A and B: vol-175a3b54
Present in both A and B: vol-71600106
Present in both A and B: vol-98c2bbef