Podobnie jak w przypadku każdego obiektu Python, możesz dowiedzieć się o nim wiele, używając na nim metody dir (). To da ci dobre miejsce do rozpoczęcia.
You can access the main window through the 'shell' variable :
<rb.Shell object at 0x9e9675c (RBShell at 0x987b018)>
>>> dir(rb.Shell)
['__class__', '__cmp__', '__copy__', '__deepcopy__', '__delattr__', '__dict__',
'__doc__', '__format__', '__gdoc__', '__getattribute__', '__gobject_init__',
'__grefcount__', '__gtype__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__',
'__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__',
'__subclasshook__', 'add_to_queue', 'add_uri', 'add_widget', 'append_source',
'chain', 'connect', 'connect_after', 'connect_object', 'connect_object_after',
'disconnect', 'disconnect_by_func', 'do_notify', 'emit', 'emit_stop_by_name',
'freeze_notify', 'get_data', 'get_party_mode', 'get_player',
'get_playlist_manager', 'get_properties', 'get_property',
'get_source_by_entry_type', 'get_ui_manager', 'guess_source_for_uri',
'handler_block', 'handler_block_by_func', 'handler_disconnect',
'handler_is_connected','handler_unblock', 'handler_unblock_by_func', 'load_uri',
'notebook_set_page', 'notify', 'notify_custom', 'present', 'props',
'register_entry_type_for_source', 'remove_from_queue', 'remove_widget',
'set_data', 'set_properties', 'set_property', 'stop_emission', 'thaw_notify',
'toggle_visibility', 'weak_ref']
Następnie możesz dir () dowolną z interesujących właściwości, na przykład „get_player”.
Innym dobrym miejscem do patrzenia jest, jeśli zobaczysz atrybut __doc__ na obiekcie.
>>> print rb.Shell.__doc__
Object RBShell
Signals from RBShell:
visibility-changed (gboolean)
visibility-changing (gboolean, gboolean) -> gboolean
create-song-info (RBSongInfo, gboolean)
removable-media-scan-finished ()
notify-playing-entry (gboolean)
notify-custom (guint, gchararray, gchararray, GdkPixbuf, gboolean)
Properties from RBShell:
no-registration -> gboolean: no-registration
Whether or not to register
no-update -> gboolean: no-update
Whether or not to update the library
dry-run -> gboolean: dry-run
Whether or not this is a dry run
rhythmdb-file -> gchararray: rhythmdb-file
The RhythmDB file to use
playlists-file -> gchararray: playlists-file
The playlists file to use
selected-source -> RBSource: selected-source
Source which is currently selected
db -> RhythmDB: RhythmDB
RhythmDB object
ui-manager -> GtkUIManager: GtkUIManager
GtkUIManager object
clipboard -> RBShellClipboard: RBShellClipboard
RBShellClipboard object
playlist-manager -> RBPlaylistManager: RBPlaylistManager
RBPlaylistManager object
removable-media-manager -> RBRemovableMediaManager: RBRemovableMediaManager
RBRemovableMediaManager object
shell-player -> RBShellPlayer: RBShellPlayer
RBShellPlayer object
window -> GtkWindow: GtkWindow
GtkWindow object
prefs -> RBShellPreferences: RBShellPreferences
RBShellPreferences object
queue-source -> RBPlayQueueSource: queue-source
Queue source
library-source -> RBLibrarySource: library-source
Library source
sourcelist-model -> RBSourceListModel: sourcelist-model
sourcelist -> RBSourceList: sourcelist
source-header -> RBSourceHeader: source header widget
visibility -> gboolean: visibility
Current window visibility
Signals from GObject:
notify (GParam)