> ary = new Array('test msg kinda long but gets the point across and such and it shows ellipsises after a certain point in my test. test msg kinda long but gets the point across and such and it shows ellipsises after a certain point in my test. test msg kinda long but gets the point across and such and it shows ellipsises after a certain point in my test. test msg kinda long but gets the point across and such and it shows ellipsises after a certain point in my test. test msg kinda long but gets the point across and such and it shows ellipsises after a certain point in my test.');
> JSON.stringify(ary)
"["test msg kinda long but gets the point across and such and it shows ellipsises... (length: 116)"
Naprawdę chcę pełnego obiektu, ale Chrome chce przyciąć wynik o około 80 znaków. W ustawieniach konsoli nie widzę niczego, co by to zmieniło.