Po pomyślnej instalacji Xen, jądro Xen nie może się uruchomić i utknąć Loading inital ramdisk
I przestrzegać samouczek instalacja z tutaj .
używam centos-release-7-2.1511.el7.centos.2.10.x86_64
To jest Xen menuentry na moim grub.cfg
menuentry 'CentOS Linux, with Xen hypervisor' --class centos --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os --class xen $menuentry_id_option 'xen-gnulinux-simple-9cfb09c2-7a47-4d52-9e97-e45ea7c8b544' {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='hd0,msdos3'
if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,msdos3 --hint-efi=hd0,msdos3 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,msdos3 --hint='hd0,msdos3' 9cfb09c2-7a47-4d52-9e97-e45ea7c8b544
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 9cfb09c2-7a47-4d52-9e97-e45ea7c8b544
echo 'Loading Xen 4.6.1-13.el7 ...'
if [ "$grub_platform" = "pc" -o "$grub_platform" = "" ]; then
xen_rm_opts="no-real-mode edd=off"
multiboot /boot/xen-4.6.1-13.el7.gz placeholder dom0_mem=1024M,max:1024M cpuinfo com1=115200,8n1 console=com1,tty loglvl=all guest_loglvl=all ${xen_rm_opts}
echo 'Loading Linux 3.18.34-20.el7.x86_64 ...'
module /boot/vmlinuz-3.18.34-20.el7.x86_64 placeholder root=UUID=9cfb09c2-7a47-4d52-9e97-e45ea7c8b544 ro vconsole.keymap=us crashkernel=auto vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 rhgb quiet console=hvc0 earlyprintk=xen nomodeset
echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
module --nounzip /boot/initramfs-3.18.34-20.el7.x86_64.img
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