fail2ban nie działa na Apache Ubuntu


Nic się nie dzieje, nawet jeśli wykrywa w dziennikach. Nie blokuje adresu IP. Działa dobrze dla VSFTP, ale nie dla apache. Proszę pomóż. Możesz zobaczyć konfigurację i zalogować się poniżej.

plik konfiguracyjny jail.local:

enabled  = true
port     = 80,443
filter   = apache-auth
logpath  = /var/log/apache*/*error.log
maxretry = 2

    # default action is now multiport, so apache-multiport jail was left
    # for compatibility with previous (<0.7.6-2) releases

enabled   = true
port      = http,https
filter    = apache-auth
logpath   = /var/log/apache*/*error.log
maxretry  = 6

Plik konfiguracyjny Apache-Auth

before = apache-common.conf
failregex = ^%(_apache_error_client)s user .* (authentication failure|not found|password mismatch)\s*$
ignoreregex =

Dziennik błędów Apache:

[Fri Jul 25 11:31:20.758218 2014] [auth_basic:error] [pid 4959] [client] AH01617: user GOLD: authentication failure for "/Folder": Password Mismatch
[Fri Jul 25 11:31:22.941978 2014] [auth_basic:error] [pid 4959] [client] AH01618: user asd not found: /Folder

Wynik fail2ban-regex:

Running tests
Use regex file : /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/apache-auth.conf
Use log file   : /var/log/apache2/error.log
Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second
Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second
Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second
Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second
Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second
Failregex: 0 total
Ignoreregex: 0 total
Sorry, no match

Dziennik Fail2Ban:

    2014-07-25 15:16:49,010 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second

    2014-07-25 15:16:49,010 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Sorting the template list

    2014-07-25 15:16:49,011 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Winning template: MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second with 994 hits

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,214 fail2ban.filter : DEBUG  Default Callback for Event: <Event dir=False mask=0x2 maskname=IN_MODIFY name='' path=/var/log/apache2/error.log pathname=/var/log/apache2/error.log wd=2 >

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,214 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,215 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Sorting the template list

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,215 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Winning template: MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second with 995 hits

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,215 fail2ban.filter : DEBUG  Default Callback for Event: <Event dir=False mask=0x2 maskname=IN_MODIFY name='' path=/var/log/apache2/error.log pathname=/var/log/apache2/error.log wd=2 >

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,215 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,215 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Sorting the template list

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,215 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Winning template: MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second with 995 hits

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,215 fail2ban.filter : DEBUG  Default Callback for Event: <Event dir=False mask=0x2 maskname=IN_MODIFY name='' path=/var/log/apache2/error.log pathname=/var/log/apache2/error.log wd=2 >

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,216 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,216 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Sorting the template list

    2014-07-25 15:16:52,216 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Winning template: MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second with 995 hits

    2014-07-25 15:16:54,790 fail2ban.filter : DEBUG  Default Callback for Event: <Event dir=False mask=0x2 maskname=IN_MODIFY name='' path=/var/log/apache2/error.log pathname=/var/log/apache2/error.log wd=2 >

    2014-07-25 15:16:54,791 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second

    2014-07-25 15:16:54,791 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Sorting the template list

    2014-07-25 15:16:54,791 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Winning template: MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second with 996 hits

    2014-07-25 15:16:54,791 fail2ban.filter : DEBUG  Default Callback for Event: <Event dir=False mask=0x2 maskname=IN_MODIFY name='' path=/var/log/apache2/error.log pathname=/var/log/apache2/error.log wd=2 >

    2014-07-25 15:16:54,792 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Matched time template MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second

    2014-07-25 15:16:54,792 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Sorting the template list

    2014-07-25 15:16:54,792 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG  Winning template: MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second with 996 hits

    2014-07-25 15:16:54,792 fail2ban.filter : DEBUG  Default Callback for Event: <Event dir=False mask=0x2 maskname=IN_MODIFY name='' path=/var/log/apache2/error.log pathname=/var/log/apache2/error.log wd=2 >



To nie pomogło bracie. Wciąż te same komunikaty o błędach w dziennikach fail2ban i iptables -L są puste.

Kiedy blokuje VSFTP, w logach wzywa do fail2ban.actions: OSTRZEŻENIE, a następnie fail2ban.actions.action w celu zablokowania adresu IP. Ale jak widać w powyższych dziennikach apache, jego fail2ban.filter: DEBUGOWANIE domyślnego wywołania zwrotnego po fail2ban.filter.datedetector (jako pętla).


Jak wspomniano, wypróbuj nowszy / najnowszy filtr apache-auth.conf.

Ale musisz także użyć nowszej apache-common.conf.
( )
Jest to krytyczne, ponieważ ustawia regex dziennika. („ _apache_error_client”).

Po prawidłowym ustawieniu prefiksu ORAZ głównego filtru uwierzytelniania pkg Fail2Ban w systemie Ubuntu 14.04 lub nowszym znajdzie pasujące wpisy w dziennikach błędów.

Korzystając z naszej strony potwierdzasz, że przeczytałeś(-aś) i rozumiesz nasze zasady używania plików cookie i zasady ochrony prywatności.
Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.