I'll tell you how to create any two qubit pure state you might ever be interested in. Hopefully you can use it to generate the state you want.
Using a single qubit rotation followed by a cnot, it is possible to create states of the form
Then you can apply an arbitrary unitary, U, to the first qubit. This rotates the |0⟩ and |1⟩ states to new states that we'll call |a0⟩ and |a1⟩,
Our entangled state is then
We can similarly apply a unitary to the second qubit.
which gives us the state
|a0⟩|a1⟩|b0⟩ and |b1⟩. You'll also find that |a0⟩ and |b0⟩ will have the same eigenvalue, which is α2. The coefficient β can be similarly derived from the eigenvalues of |a1⟩ and |b1⟩.