Stworzyłem skrypt w Pythonie, aby zidentyfikować nieużywane obrazy: „” @ gist . Można go używać w następujący sposób:
python3 '/Users/DevK/MyProject' '/Users/DevK/MyProject/MyProject/Assets/Assets.xcassets'
Oto kilka zasad korzystania ze skryptu:
- Ważne jest, aby jako pierwszy argument podać ścieżkę folderu projektu, a jako drugi argument ścieżkę folderu zasobów
- Zakłada się, że wszystkie obrazy są przechowywane w folderze Assets.xcassets i są używane w plikach Swift lub w scenorysach
Ograniczenia w pierwszej wersji:
- Nie działa dla obiektywnych plików c
Z czasem postaram się to ulepszyć, na podstawie opinii zwrotnych, jednak pierwsza wersja powinna być dobra dla większości.
Poniżej kod. Kod powinien być zrozumiały, ponieważ dodałem odpowiednie komentarze do każdego ważnego kroku .
# Usage e.g.: python3 '/Users/DevK/MyProject' '/Users/DevK/MyProject/MyProject/Assets/Assets.xcassets'
# It is important to pass project folder path as first argument, assets folder path as second argument
# It is assumed that all the images are maintained within Assets.xcassets folder and are used either within swift files or within storyboards
@author = "Devarshi Kulshreshtha"
@copyright = "Copyright 2020, Devarshi Kulshreshtha"
@license = "GPL"
@version = "1.0.1"
@contact = ""
import sys
import glob
from pathlib import Path
import mmap
import os
import time
# obtain start time
start = time.time()
arguments = sys.argv
# pass project folder path as argument 1
projectFolderPath = arguments[1].replace("\\", "") # replacing backslash with space
# pass assets folder path as argument 2
assetsPath = arguments[2].replace("\\", "") # replacing backslash with space
print(f"assetsPath: {assetsPath}")
print(f"projectFolderPath: {projectFolderPath}")
# obtain all assets / images
# obtain paths for all assets
assetsSearchablePath = assetsPath + '/**/*.imageset' #alternate way to append: fr"{assetsPath}/**/*.imageset"
print(f"assetsSearchablePath: {assetsSearchablePath}")
imagesNameCountDict = {} # empty dict to store image name as key and occurrence count
for imagesetPath in glob.glob(assetsSearchablePath, recursive=True):
# storing the image name as encoded so that we save some time later during string search in file
encodedImageName = str.encode(Path(imagesetPath).stem)
# initializing occurrence count as 0
imagesNameCountDict[encodedImageName] = 0
print("Names of all assets obtained")
# search images in swift files
# obtain paths for all swift files
swiftFilesSearchablePath = projectFolderPath + '/**/*.swift' #alternate way to append: fr"{projectFolderPath}/**/*.swift"
print(f"swiftFilesSearchablePath: {swiftFilesSearchablePath}")
for swiftFilePath in glob.glob(swiftFilesSearchablePath, recursive=True):
with open(swiftFilePath, 'rb', 0) as file, \
mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as s:
# search all the assests within the swift file
for encodedImageName in imagesNameCountDict:
# file search
if s.find(encodedImageName) != -1:
# updating occurrence count, if found
imagesNameCountDict[encodedImageName] += 1
print("Images searched in all swift files!")
# search images in storyboards
# obtain path for all storyboards
storyboardsSearchablePath = projectFolderPath + '/**/*.storyboard' #alternate way to append: fr"{projectFolderPath}/**/*.storyboard"
print(f"storyboardsSearchablePath: {storyboardsSearchablePath}")
for storyboardPath in glob.glob(storyboardsSearchablePath, recursive=True):
with open(storyboardPath, 'rb', 0) as file, \
mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as s:
# search all the assests within the storyboard file
for encodedImageName in imagesNameCountDict:
# file search
if s.find(encodedImageName) != -1:
# updating occurrence count, if found
imagesNameCountDict[encodedImageName] += 1
print("Images searched in all storyboard files!")
print("Here is the list of unused assets:")
# printing all image names, for which occurrence count is 0
print('\n'.join({encodedImageName.decode("utf-8", "strict") for encodedImageName, occurrenceCount in imagesNameCountDict.items() if occurrenceCount == 0}))
print(f"Done in {time.time() - start} seconds!")