Próbowałem uruchomić lokalną pamięć podręczną AWS CodeBuild do pracy i przez całe życie nie mogę uzyskać nawet najbardziej podstawowej pamięci podręcznej do pracy. Moim ostatecznym celem jest buforowanie artefaktów Gradle, jak omówiono tutaj .
Ale ponieważ nie mogłem tego uruchomić, próbowałem jeszcze prostszego testu, w którym próbuję buforować katalog /root/foo
za pomocą pliku, counter.txt
który zwiększam przy każdej kompilacji. Oczekuję, że jeśli uruchomię kolejne kompilacje w ciągu kilku minut od siebie, w dziennikach pojawią się „2”, „3” itd. Ale rzeczywistość jest taka, że pomimo ustanowienia dowiązania symbolicznego, następna kompilacja nigdy nie widzi poprzedniego counter.txt
pliku, co sugeruje mi, że coś jest bardzo zepsute.
Czy ktoś może potwierdzić, że ich lokalna pamięć podręczna faktycznie działa w CodeBuild? Zaczynam się zastanawiać, czy funkcja jest obecnie zepsuta! Czy też całkowicie nie rozumiem, co powinien zrobić?
version: 0.2
java: corretto8
- pwd
- ls -l /root/
- ls -l /root/foo/
- ./
- ls -l /root/
- ls -l /root/foo/
- '/root/foo/*'
if [ -d "/root/foo" ]; then
C=$(cat /root/foo/count.txt)
C=$((C + 1))
echo "*********************************"
echo "*********************************"
echo "Incrementing counter to $C"
echo $C > /root/foo/count.txt
echo "*********************************"
echo "*********************************"
mkdir /root/foo
echo "*********************************"
echo "*********************************"
echo "File not found, starting count at 1"
echo "*********************************"
echo "*********************************"
echo 1 > /root/foo/count.txt
Wyjście CodeBuild : (to samo wyjście, nawet jeśli jest wykonywane szybko)
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:08 Waiting for agent ping
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 Waiting for DOWNLOAD_SOURCE
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 Phase is DOWNLOAD_SOURCE
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR=/codebuild/output/src905503483/src
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 YAML location is /codebuild/output/src905503483/src/buildspec.yml
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 No commands found for phase name: INSTALL
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 Processing environment variables
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 Moving to directory /codebuild/output/src905503483/src
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 MkdirAll: /codebuild/local-cache/custom/de68c9f22ae028d4e4dfb0d11bbb481053d28b1373db0d6a56ebee0416bf13b2/root/foo
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 Symlinking: /root/foo => /codebuild/local-cache/custom/de68c9f22ae028d4e4dfb0d11bbb481053d28b1373db0d6a56ebee0416bf13b2/root/foo
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 Registering with agent
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 Phases found in YAML: 2
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 BUILD: 6 commands
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 INSTALL: 0 commands
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 Phase complete: DOWNLOAD_SOURCE State: SUCCEEDED
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:10 Phase context status code: Message:
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Entering phase INSTALL
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command echo "Installing corretto(OpenJDK) version 8 ..."
Installing corretto(OpenJDK) version 8 ...
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command export JAVA_HOME="$JAVA_8_HOME"
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command export JRE_HOME="$JRE_8_HOME"
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command export JDK_HOME="$JDK_8_HOME"
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command for tool_path in "$JAVA_8_HOME"/bin/* "$JRE_8_HOME"/bin/*;
do tool=`basename "$tool_path"`;
if [ $tool != 'java-rmi.cgi' ];
rm -f /usr/bin/$tool /var/lib/alternatives/$tool \
&& update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/$tool $tool $tool_path 20000;
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Phase complete: INSTALL State: SUCCEEDED
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Phase context status code: Message:
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Entering phase PRE_BUILD
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Phase complete: PRE_BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Phase context status code: Message:
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Entering phase BUILD
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command pwd
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command ls -l /root/
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 103 Nov 10 22:35 foo -> /codebuild/local-cache/custom/de68c9f22ae028d4e4dfb0d11bbb481053d28b1373db0d6a56ebee0416bf13b2/root/foo
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command ls -l /root/foo/
total 0
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command ./
cat: /root/foo/count.txt: No such file or directory
Incrementing counter to 1
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command ls -l /root/
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 103 Nov 10 22:35 foo -> /codebuild/local-cache/custom/de68c9f22ae028d4e4dfb0d11bbb481053d28b1373db0d6a56ebee0416bf13b2/root/foo
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Running command ls -l /root/foo/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 Nov 10 22:35 count.txt
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Phase complete: BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Phase context status code: Message:
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Entering phase POST_BUILD
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Phase complete: POST_BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
[Container] 2019/11/10 22:35:11 Phase context status code: Message:
Projekt CodeBuild JSON:
"projects": [
"name": "test-project",
"arn": "arn:aws:codebuild:us-east-2:xxx:project/xxx",
"source": {
"insecureSsl": false
"secondarySourceVersions": [],
"artifacts": {
"name": "test-project",
"packaging": "NONE",
"encryptionDisabled": false
"secondaryArtifacts": [],
"cache": {
"type": "LOCAL",
"modes": [
"environment": {
"image": "aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:1.0",
"computeType": "BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL",
"environmentVariables": [],
"privilegedMode": false,
"imagePullCredentialsType": "CODEBUILD"
"serviceRole": "arn:aws:iam::xxx:role/service-role/xxx",
"timeoutInMinutes": 60,
"queuedTimeoutInMinutes": 480,
"encryptionKey": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:xxx:alias/aws/s3",
"tags": [],
"created": 1573364156.631,
"lastModified": 1573423155.674,
"badge": {
"badgeEnabled": false
"logsConfig": {
"cloudWatchLogs": {
"status": "ENABLED",
"groupName": "xxx",
"streamName": "xxx"
"s3Logs": {
"status": "DISABLED",
"encryptionDisabled": false
"projectsNotFound": []