Jak szybko wykonać opcjonalne zamknięcie?


Próbuję zadeklarować argument w języku Swift, który przyjmuje opcjonalne zamknięcie. Zadeklarowana przeze mnie funkcja wygląda następująco:

class Promise {

 func then(onFulfilled: ()->(), onReject: ()->()?){       
    if let callableRjector = onReject {
      // do stuff! 


But Swift complains that "Bound value in a conditional must be an Optional type" where the "if let" is declared.

Consider using only one closure with parameters.



You should enclose the optional closure in parentheses. This will properly scope the ? operator.

func then(onFulfilled: ()->(), onReject: (()->())?){       
    if let callableRjector = onReject {
      // do stuff! 

Do you know what the rationale is for having to enclose it in parenthesis?

Probably to remove ambiguity. If the optional closure were to have a return value, it could get confusing as to what ()->Int? means.

Also, from the Swift book: “When declaring an optional type, be sure to use parentheses to properly scope the ? operator. As an example, to declare an optional array of integers, write the type annotation as (Int[])?; writing Int[]? produces an error.”

@Cezar Could you please explain a bit why and where to use "Optional closure", I am curious to know this.

@Cezar Not on a mac at the moment so my syntax may be slightly off, but remember the ? is really just sugar for Optional<T>, so you could also write ` func then(onFulfilled: ()->(), onReject: Optional<()->()>) { ` then you would not need the extra (), though IMO the ()? is prettier. Also you can make it even prettier with a typealias like typealias RejectHandler = () -> () func then(onFulfilled: ()->(), onReject: RejectHandler?) {
Andrew Carter


To make the code even shorter we can use nil as default value for onReject parameter and optional chaining ?() when calling it:

func then(onFulfilled: ()->(), onReject: (()->())? = nil) {

This way we can omit onReject parameter when we call then function.

then({ /* on fulfilled */ })

We can also use trailing closure syntax to pass onReject parameter into then function:

then({ /* on fulfilled */ }) {
  // ... on reject

Here is a blog post about it.


Since I assume, that this "optional" closure should simply do nothing, you could use a parameter with an empty closure as default value:

func then(onFulfilled: ()->(), onReject: ()->() = {}){       
    // now you can call your closures

this function can now be called with or without the onReject callback

then({ ... })
then({ ... }, onReject: { ... })

No need for Swift's awesome Optionals? here!

This is nice solution!
Roland T.


Maybe it's a cleaner way. Specially when the closure has complicated parameters.

typealias SimpleCallBack = () -> ()

class Promise {

func then(onFulfilled: SimpleCallBack, onReject: SimpleCallBack?){       
    if let callableRjector = onReject {
        // do stuff! 

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