Oto plik nietoperza systemu Windows, który napisałem, który łączy sugestie Vincenta i Paulsa. Pyta użytkownika o nazwy źródłowe i docelowe.
Po prostu zmodyfikuj zmienne u góry, aby ustawić odpowiednie ścieżki do plików wykonywalnych / portów bazy danych.
:: Creates a copy of a database with a different name.
:: User is prompted for Src and destination name.
:: Fair Warning: passwords are passed in on the cmd line, modify the script with -p instead if security is an issue.
:: Uncomment the rem'd out lines if you want script to prompt for database username, password, etc.
:: See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1887964/duplicate-entire-mysql-database
@set MYSQL_HOME="C:\sugarcrm\mysql\bin"
@set mysqldump_exec=%MYSQL_HOME%\mysqldump
@set mysql_exec=%MYSQL_HOME%\mysql
@set SRC_PORT=3306
@set DEST_PORT=3306
:: COMMENT any of the 4 lines below if you don't want to be prompted for these each time and use defaults above.
@SET /p USERNAME=Enter database username:
@SET /p PASSWORD=Enter database password:
@SET /p SRC_PORT=Enter SRC database port (usually 3306):
@SET /p DEST_PORT=Enter DEST database port:
@IF NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" GOTO ExitScript
@SET /p SRC_DB=What is the name of the SRC Database:
@SET /p DEST_DB=What is the name for the destination database (that will be created):
@GOTO ExitSuccess
@echo "Failed to copy database"
Przykładowe dane wyjściowe:
Enter database username: root
Enter database password: MyPassword
Enter SRC database port (usually 3306): 3308
Enter DEST database port: 3308
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| sugarcrm_550_pro |
| sugarcrm_550_ce |
| sugarcrm_640_pro |
| sugarcrm_640_ce |
What is the name of the SRC Database: sugarcrm
What is the name for the destination database (that will be created): sugarcrm_640_ce