Chcę, żeby coś takiego wyglądało ładnie:
>> ProductColor.all
=> [#<ProductColor id: 1, name: "White", internal_name: "White", created_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44", updated_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44">, #<ProductColor id: 2, name: "Ivory", internal_name: "Ivory", created_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44", updated_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44">, #<ProductColor id: 3, name: "Blue", internal_name: "Light Blue", created_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44", updated_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44">, #<ProductColor id: 4, name: "Green", internal_name: "Green", created_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44", updated_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44">]
To nie działa:
>> ProductColor.all.inspect
=> "[#<ProductColor id: 1, name: \"White\", internal_name: \"White\", created_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\", updated_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\">, #<ProductColor id: 2, name: \"Ivory\", internal_name: \"Ivory\", created_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\", updated_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\">, #<ProductColor id: 3, name: \"Blue\", internal_name: \"Light Blue\", created_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\", updated_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\">, #<ProductColor id: 4, name: \"Green\", internal_name: \"Green\", created_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\", updated_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\">]"
I to też nie jest:
>> ProductColor.all.to_yaml
=> "--- \n- !ruby/object:ProductColor \n attributes: \n name: White\n created_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n updated_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n id: \"1\"\n internal_name: White\n attributes_cache: {}\n\n- !ruby/object:ProductColor \n attributes: \n name: Ivory\n created_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n updated_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n id: \"2\"\n internal_name: Ivory\n attributes_cache: {}\n\n- !ruby/object:ProductColor \n attributes: \n name: Blue\n created_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n updated_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n id: \"3\"\n internal_name: Light Blue\n attributes_cache: {}\n\n- !ruby/object:ProductColor \n attributes: \n name: Green\n created_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n updated_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n id: \"4\"\n internal_name: Green\n attributes_cache: {}\n\n"