O ile nie rozumiem celu kolumny, poniższy kod wskazuje, że zmiana struktury indeksu klastrowego nie zmienia pozycji porządkowej ( stats_column_id
) kolumny w sys.stats_columns DMV. (Testowane w AdventureWorks2014, AdventureWorks2008R2)
select i.name, c.name, ic.column_id, ic.index_column_id
from sys.indexes i
join sys.index_columns ic
on i.object_id = ic.object_id
and i.index_id = ic.index_id
join sys.columns c
on i.object_id = c.object_id
and ic.column_id = c.column_id
where i.name = 'PK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntityID_AddressID_AddressTypeID'
order by ic.key_ordinal;
select sh.name,s.name, c.name, c.column_id, sc.column_id, sc.stats_column_id
from sys.stats s
join sys.stats_columns sc
on s.object_id = sc.object_id
and s.stats_id = sc.stats_id
join sys.columns c
on s.object_id = c.object_id
and sc.column_id = c.column_id
join sys.tables t
on s.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.schemas sh
on t.schema_id = sh.schema_id
where s.name = 'PK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntityID_AddressID_AddressTypeID'
order by sc.stats_column_id;
dbcc show_statistics('[Person].[BusinessEntityAddress]','PK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntityID_AddressID_AddressTypeID') with density_vector;
ALTER TABLE [Person].[BusinessEntityAddress] DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntityID_AddressID_AddressTypeID]
ALTER TABLE [Person].[BusinessEntityAddress] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntityID_AddressID_AddressTypeID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED
AddressID ASC,
[BusinessEntityID] ASC,
[AddressTypeID] ASC
select i.name, c.name, ic.column_id, ic.index_column_id
from sys.indexes i
join sys.index_columns ic
on i.object_id = ic.object_id
and i.index_id = ic.index_id
join sys.columns c
on i.object_id = c.object_id
and ic.column_id = c.column_id
where i.name = 'PK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntityID_AddressID_AddressTypeID'
order by ic.key_ordinal;
select sh.name,s.name, c.name, c.column_id, sc.column_id, sc.stats_column_id
from sys.stats s
join sys.stats_columns sc
on s.object_id = sc.object_id
and s.stats_id = sc.stats_id
join sys.columns c
on s.object_id = c.object_id
and sc.column_id = c.column_id
join sys.tables t
on s.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.schemas sh
on t.schema_id = sh.schema_id
where s.name = 'PK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntityID_AddressID_AddressTypeID'
order by sc.stats_column_id;
dbcc show_statistics('[Person].[BusinessEntityAddress]','PK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntityID_AddressID_AddressTypeID') with density_vector;
Jednak wektory gęstości wskazują zmianę w wiodącej kolumnie obiektu indeksu / statystyki. Czy to fundamentalne nieporozumienie z mojej strony? Jeśli tak, to jak znaleźć wiodącą kolumnę obiektu statystycznego za pomocą DMV?
Testowane wersje SQL Server: 2008R2, 2014
jest kolejnością kolumn indeksu (właśnie to odkryłem). jednak dokumentacja sys.stats_columns wydaje się wskazywać, że stats_column_id jest pozycją porządkową, ale mógłbym odczytać to całkowicie błędnie.
choć niejasno przypominam sobie kogoś, kto zauważył, że te funkcje pomocnika mogą nie być najlepszym pomysłem