Uzyskujemy dostęp do MySQL ze złącza Microsoft ADO.NET.
Czasami widzimy następujący impas w naszym statusie innodb i nie byliśmy w stanie zidentyfikować przyczyny problemu. Wygląda na to, że transakcja (2) czeka i trzyma ten sam zamek?
110606 5:35:09
TRANSACTION 0 45321452, ACTIVE 0 sec, OS thread id 3804 starting index read
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 2 lock struct(s), heap size 368, 1 row lock(s)
MySQL thread id 84, query id 3265713 localhost famdev Updating
UPDATE people SET company_id = 1610, name = '<name>', password = '<hash>', temp_password = NULL, reset_password_hash = NULL, email = '<redacted>', phone = NULL, mobile = '<phone>', iphone_device_id = 'android:<id>-<id>', iphone_device_time = '2011-06-06 05:35:09', last_checkin = '2011-06-06 05:24:42', location_lat = <lat>, location_long = -<lng>, gps_strength = 3296, picture_blob_id = 1190, authority = 1, active = 1, date_created = '2011-04-13 20:21:20', last_login = '2011-06-06 05:35:09', panic_mode = 0, battery_level = NULL, battery_state = NULL WHERE people_id = 3125
RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 11144 n bits 152 index `PRIMARY` of table `family`.`people` trx id 0 45321452 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting
Record lock, heap no 12 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 25; compact format; info bits 0
0: len 8; hex 8000000000000c35; asc 5;; 1: len 6; hex 000002b38ce6; asc ;; 2: len 7; hex 00000002801f89; asc ;; 3: len 8; hex 800000000000064a; asc J;; 4: len 4; hex <data>; asc <name>;; 5: len 30; hex <data>; asc <data>;...(truncated); 6: SQL NULL; 7: SQL NULL; 8: len 16; hex <data>; asc <redacted>;; 9: SQL NULL; 10: len 10; hex <data>; asc <phone>;; 11: len 30; hex <data>; asc android:<id>;...(truncated); 12: len 8; hex <data>; asc J] Z;; 13: len 8; hex <data>; asc J] Z;; 14: len 8; hex a39410acaa9b4340; asc C@;; 15: len 8; hex <data>; asc m S ;; 16: len 2; hex 8ce0; asc ;; 17: len 8; hex 80000000000004a6; asc ;; 18: len 4; hex 80000001; asc ;; 19: len 1; hex 81; asc ;; 20: len 8; hex <data>; asc JR ;; 21: len 8; hex <data>; asc J] ;; 22: len 1; hex 80; asc ;; 23: SQL NULL; 24: SQL NULL;
TRANSACTION 0 45321448, ACTIVE 0 sec, OS thread id 3176 starting index read, thread declared inside InnoDB 500
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
5 lock struct(s), heap size 1216, 2 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
MySQL thread id 85, query id 3265714 localhost famdev Updating
UPDATE people SET company_id = 1610, name = '<name>', password = '<hash>', temp_password = NULL, reset_password_hash = NULL, email = '<redacted>', phone = NULL, mobile = '<phone>', iphone_device_id = 'android:<id>-<id>-<id>-<id>', iphone_device_time = '2011-06-06 05:24:42', last_checkin = '2011-06-06 05:35:07', location_lat = <lat>, location_long = -<lng>, gps_strength = 3296, picture_blob_id = 1190, authority = 1, active = 1, date_created = '2011-04-13 20:21:20', last_login = '2011-06-06 05:35:09', panic_mode = 0, battery_level = NULL, battery_state = NULL WHERE people_id = 3125
*** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):
RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 11144 n bits 152 index `PRIMARY` of table `family`.`people` trx id 0 45321448 lock mode S locks rec but not gap
Record lock, heap no 12 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 25; compact format; info bits 0
0: len 8; hex 8000000000000c35; asc 5;; 1: len 6; hex 000002b38ce6; asc ;; 2: len 7; hex 00000002801f89; asc ;; 3: len 8; hex 800000000000064a; asc J;; 4: len 4; hex <data>; asc <name>;; 5: len 30; hex <data>; asc <data>;...(truncated); 6: SQL NULL; 7: SQL NULL; 8: len 16; hex <data>; asc <redacted>;; 9: SQL NULL; 10: len 10; hex <data>; asc <phone>;; 11: len 30; hex <data>; asc android:<id>;...(truncated); 12: len 8; hex <data>; asc J] Z;; 13: len 8; hex <data>; asc J] Z;; 14: len 8; hex a39410acaa9b4340; asc C@;; 15: len 8; hex <data>; asc m S ;; 16: len 2; hex 8ce0; asc ;; 17: len 8; hex 80000000000004a6; asc ;; 18: len 4; hex 80000001; asc ;; 19: len 1; hex 81; asc ;; 20: len 8; hex <data>; asc JR ;; 21: len 8; hex <data>; asc J] ;; 22: len 1; hex 80; asc ;; 23: SQL NULL; 24: SQL NULL;
RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 11144 n bits 152 index `PRIMARY` of table `family`.`people` trx id 0 45321448 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting
Record lock, heap no 12 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 25; compact format; info bits 0
0: len 8; hex 8000000000000c35; asc 5;; 1: len 6; hex 000002b38ce6; asc ;; 2: len 7; hex 00000002801f89; asc ;; 3: len 8; hex 800000000000064a; asc J;; 4: len 4; hex <data>; asc <name>;; 5: len 30; hex <data>; asc <data>;...(truncated); 6: SQL NULL; 7: SQL NULL; 8: len 16; hex <data>; asc <redacted>;; 9: SQL NULL; 10: len 10; hex <data>; asc <phone>;; 11: len 30; hex <data>; asc android:<id>;...(truncated); 12: len 8; hex <data>; asc J] Z;; 13: len 8; hex <data>; asc J] Z;; 14: len 8; hex a39410acaa9b4340; asc C@;; 15: len 8; hex <data>; asc m S ;; 16: len 2; hex 8ce0; asc ;; 17: len 8; hex 80000000000004a6; asc ;; 18: len 4; hex 80000001; asc ;; 19: len 1; hex 81; asc ;; 20: len 8; hex <data>; asc JR ;; 21: len 8; hex <data>; asc J] ;; 22: len 1; hex 80; asc ;; 23: SQL NULL; 24: SQL NULL;
Czytamy ten artykuł na temat następnego blokowania klucza, ale wydaje się, że nie dotyczy nas, ponieważ nie dokonujemy selekcji do aktualizacji.
Dziś rano odkryłem nieco inną sygnaturę zakleszczenia, która może być główną przyczyną tego zakleszczenia. I pisał, że impas w osobnym pytaniu zachować rzeczy proste. Zaktualizuję tutaj, jeśli mogę potwierdzić, że przyczyną jest drugie pytanie.