Gra w miasta



Gra toczy się w małym świecie z różnymi miastami. Władcy miast nienawidzą się nawzajem i chcieliby rządzić światem. Ludzie dzielą się na dwie grupy, wojowników i dzieci. Nisko urodzone dzieci mogą jednak wychowywać na wojowników. Jesteś władcą trzech z tych miast.


Na początku gry rządzisz trzema miastami. W każdym mieście jest 100 osób. Musisz podzielić je na rycerzy i nisko urodzonych.

Następnie rozpoczyna się faktyczna gra turowa. Tura wygląda następująco: "Produce" knights=> execute command of first town=> execute command of next town(powtórz dla wszystkich miast) => try a rebellion.

  • W każdej turze twój program będzie wywoływany dla każdego miasta, które należy do ciebie . Możesz albo zaatakować miasto , wesprzeć miasto lub po prostu zaczekać . Działania te będą wykonywane sekwencyjnie, a nie jednocześnie.
  • Co trzecią turę dostajesz jednego rycerza na 2 nisko urodzonych (23 nisko urodzonych => 11 rycerzy). Ilość nisko urodzonych dzieci pozostaje taka sama.
  • Rycerze w mieście mają premię do obrony w wysokości 1,2. Jeśli zostaniesz zaatakowany, twoi rycerze zostaną pomnożeni przez tę liczbę (np. Masz 78 knights, będziesz miał 93 knightspodczas ataku). Po ataku dodatkowi rycerze zostaną usunięci (jeśli 82 knightsprzeżyjesz, nadal będziesz miał 78 knights).
  • W ataku każdy rycerz zabija wroga przed śmiercią. Na przykład: 30 knightsatak 100 knights(bez premii do obrony) => 70 rycerzy przeżyje.
  • Możesz przejąć miasto zabijając wszystkich znajdujących się w nim rycerzy . Wszyscy nisko urodzeni należą teraz do ciebie, a twoi ocalali rycerze stacjonują w mieście. W następnej rundzie możesz rządzić tym miastem oprócz wszystkich innych miast .
  • Po zdobyciu miasta nie będzie miało bonusu do obrony przez 2 pełne tury (ponieważ bramy są zniszczone). W trzeciej turze bramy zostaną naprawione.
  • Aby zapobiec buntowi nisko urodzonych, potrzebujesz co najmniej o połowę mniej rycerzy niż nisko urodzonych (23 nisko urodzonych w mieście potrzebuje co najmniej 12 rycerzy w tym samym mieście). W przeciwnym razie nisko urodzeni zabiją wszystkich rycerzy, a miasto stanie się „neutralne” (bez lidera wskazanego przez PlayerId -1).
  • Neutralne miasta będą „produkować” rycerzy, ale nie będą atakować ani wspierać innych miast.


Kontroler zapewnia dane wejściowe za pomocą argumentów poleceń, program musi wyświetlać dane wyjściowe za pomocą standardowego wyjścia.

Wyjście (przygotowanie)
Przed rozpoczęciem gry kontroler wzywa cię do poddania się bez argumentów. Oznacza to, że musisz rozdzielić swoje 100 osób (dla każdego miasta) na rycerzy i nisko urodzonych. Musisz KnightCount KnightCount KnightCountna przykład wysyłać dane wyjściowe 95 80 95.

W pierwszej rundzie będzie to coś w rodzaju 1;2;2;0_0_100_0;1_1_50_50;2_2_80_20. Tutaj widzisz, że jest to pierwsza runda, jesteś graczem 2 w mieście 2. Masz 80 rycerzy i 20 nisko urodzonych.

W dalszej części gry może to być coś w rodzaju 20;2;1;0_0_100_0;2_1_30_50;2_2_40_20. Nadal jesteś graczem 2 (to się nigdy nie zmienia), ale przejąłeś miasto 1 (które obecnie kontrolujesz).

A TownId NumberOfKnights lub S TownId NumberOfKnightslub W(do oczekiwania).
Przykład: A 2 100(atakuj miasto 2 100 rycerzami) lub S 3 2(wspieraj miasto 3 2 rycerzami).


  • Boty nie powinny być pisane w celu pokonania lub wspierania określonych innych botów.
  • Zapis do plików jest dozwolony. Napisz do „ twojasubmissionname .txt”, folder zostanie opróżniony przed rozpoczęciem gry. Inne zasoby zewnętrzne są niedozwolone.
  • Twoje zgłoszenie ma 1 sekundę na odpowiedź (na miasto).
  • Podaj polecenia, aby skompilować i uruchomić swoje zgłoszenia.


Zwycięzcą jest ten, który ma najwięcej miast po 100 rundach. Jeśli gracz przejmie wszystkie miasta, gra się kończy i wygrywa. Jeśli wielu graczy ma taką samą liczbę miast, liczą się rycerze, a następnie liczba nisko urodzonych.


Kontroler można znaleźć na github. Zawiera także 2 sampleboty napisane w Javie. Otwórz go w Eclipse, umieść skompilowane boty w folderze głównym i dodaj klasę do programu sterującego (podobnie jak sampleboty).


Aby uzyskać ostateczne wyniki, przeprowadziłem 10 gier. To jest średnia:

    Miasta gracza 
 1. Liberator 37.5
 2. Sehtimianer 8.2
 3. SuperProducer 5.4
 4. Miejsce sypialne 1.4
 5. Frankenstein 1.2
 6. Masło 0,8 (więcej rycerzy)
 7. TheKing 0.8 (mniej rycerzy)
 8. Exodus 0.6
 9. Turtle 0.5 (więcej rycerzy)
10. AttackOn3 0,5 (mniej rycerzy)
11. Demokracja 0.3
12. Obliczony brak 0,2
13. Rewolucjonista 0.1

Możesz przeczytać przykładową grę tutaj: przykładowa gra na github

Zakładam, że gdy miasto Aobsługuje inne miasto B, podana liczba rycerzy jest po prostu przenoszona Ado B, po czym są kontrolowani przez właściciela B, prawda?

@Zgarb Correct :)

Będziesz prowadzić mecze i pokazywać tabelę wyników?
Logic Knight

@CarpetPython Oczywiście, zamieszczam to, jak tylko będę miał czas

@Manu, muszę powiedzieć, że kocham wasze KOTHY. TO jest mój typ pytań do Codegolf.SE. Do kiedy przyjmujesz zgłoszenia? Zacznę teraz myśleć o algorytmie. Myślę też, że powinieneś dodać kolejną regułę - maksymalna liczba zgłoszeń na użytkownika.
Mark Gabriel



Python3, Liberator

from sys import argv
from math import ceil, floor

class OppressedTown:
    def __init__(self, owner_id, id, oppressors, oppressed):
        self.owner_id = owner_id = id
        self.oppressors = oppressors
        self.oppressed = oppressed

    def get_free_oppressors(self):
        return self.oppressors - ceil(self.oppressed / 2)

    def get_needed_liberators(self):
        return ceil(self.oppressed / 2)

class LiberatedTown:
    def __init__(self, owner_id, id, liberators, liberated):
        self.owner_id = owner_id = id
        self.liberators = liberators
        self.liberated = liberated

    def get_free_liberators(self):
        return self.liberators - ceil(self.liberated / 2)

    def get_needed_liberators(self):
        return ceil(self.liberated / 2)

    def is_safe(self):
        return self.liberators >= self.liberated * 2

    def get_unneeded_liberators(self):
        return self.liberators - self.liberated * 2

def safe_div(a, b):
        c = a / b
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        if a == 0:
            c = 0
            c = float("inf")
    return c

def main():
    if len(argv) == 1:
        print ("100 100 100")
        decision = decide()
        print (decision)

def decide():
    def needs_urgent_support(town):
        return town.get_needed_liberators() >= town.liberators and town.liberated > 0

    def can_beat(free_liberators, town):
        return free_liberators > town.oppressors * 1.2 + town.get_needed_liberators()

    def can_damage(free_liberators, town):
        return free_liberators > town.oppressors * 0.2

    args = argv[1].split(";")
    round = int(args[0])
    me = int(args[1])
    current_id = int(args[2])
    liberated_towns = []
    oppressed_towns = []

    for i in range(3, len(args)):
        infos = list(map(int, args[i].split("_")))
        if infos[0] != me:
            oppressed_towns.append(OppressedTown(infos[0], infos[1], infos[2], infos[3]))
            liberated_towns.append(LiberatedTown(infos[0], infos[1], infos[2], infos[3]))

    current_town = [town for town in liberated_towns if == current_id][0]
    free_liberators = current_town.get_free_liberators()

    total_oppressors = sum(town.liberators for town in liberated_towns)
    total_oppressors = sum(town.oppressors for town in oppressed_towns)
    total_liberated = sum(town.liberated for town in liberated_towns)
    total_oppressed = sum(town.oppressed for town in oppressed_towns)

    oppressed_towns.sort(key=lambda town: safe_div(town.oppressed, town.oppressors), reverse=True)

    most_oppressed = oppressed_towns[-1]

    if free_liberators > 0:
        for town in liberated_towns:
            if != current_id and needs_urgent_support(town):
                return "S {0} {1}".format(, free_liberators // 2)

        if current_town.is_safe():
            free_liberators = current_town.get_unneeded_liberators()

            if free_liberators > 0:
                for town in oppressed_towns:
                    if can_beat(free_liberators, town):
                        if total_liberated <= total_oppressed or town.owner_id != -1 or not any(town.owner_id != -1 for town in oppressed_towns):
                            return "A {0} {1}".format(, free_liberators)

                for town in liberated_towns:
                    if not town.is_safe():
                        return "S {0} {1}".format(, free_liberators)

                liberated_towns.sort(key=lambda town: (town.liberated, town.liberators), reverse=True)

##                if current_id == liberated_towns[0].id and total_oppressors > total_oppressors and can_damage(free_liberators, most_oppressed):
##                    return "A {0} {1}".format(, free_liberators)

                if current_id != liberated_towns[0].id:
                    return "S {0} {1}".format(liberated_towns[0].id, free_liberators)

    return "W"


Jedynym celem tego bota jest uwolnienie najczęstszych ludzi od opresyjnego jarzma tyranii.

Muszę powiedzieć, że ten Liberator to plaga: silna, szybka i śmiertelna. Wygrał prawie każdą symulację, którą przeprowadziłem, nawet pokonując Neutralnego Gracza ... Nadal Butter jest silnym konkurentem.

Wyzwoliłeś chleb z tyranii masła. :( Lubię masło.

Dang! Liberator jest trudny do pokonania! Miałem wpis, który zamierzałem przesłać, zanim dodałem do kontrolera uczestników innych niż Java ... ale teraz ten wpis nie wygrywa, podobnie jak reszta nie-wyzwolicieli! Mam inny pomysł, aby spróbować, aby wszystko nie zostało stracone ...: P + 1 za wyzwanie!

dobra robota! twoje było zasłużonym zwycięstwem!


Python 2, The King

Król rządzi miastem o najwyższej liczbie w swoim imperium i żąda wysłania nadmiaru rycerzy z innych miast pod jego kontrolą. Gdy będzie miał dość rycerzy, zaatakuje miasto wroga. Nie jest bardzo mądrym Królem, więc nie studiował historii ani nie rozumie konsekwencji swoich działań.

import sys
from random import *


if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print randint(20,100), randint(50,100), randint(70,100)
    parts = sys.argv[1].split(';')
    turn, me, thistown = [int(parts.pop(0)) for i in range(3)]
    towns = [[int(v) for v in town.split('_')] for town in parts]
    enemy = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] != me]
    mytowns = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] == me]
    here = [t for t in mytowns if t[TOWN] == thistown][0]

    avgfree = sum(t[KNIGHTS]-t[SERFS]/2 for t in towns) / len(towns)
    free = here[KNIGHTS] - here[SERFS]/2
    last = mytowns[-1]
    if here == last:
        needed, target = min([(t[KNIGHTS]*1.2+t[SERFS]/2, t) for t in enemy])
        if free > needed+5:
            print 'A', target[TOWN], int(free+needed)/2 + 1
            print 'W'
        spare = max(0, free - avgfree)
        if spare:
            print 'S', last[TOWN], spare
            print 'W'

Nie jest to testowane z kontrolerem lub innymi botami.

+1 zaHe is not a very smart King, so has not studied history or understands the consequences of his actions.
Mark Gabriel


JavaScript (węzeł), Empire

Zaczyna silnie odstraszyć inne miasta. Miasta starają się współpracować, aby schwytać innych. Priorytetem jest przejmowanie miast z wieloma małymi dziećmi.

/*jshint node:true*/
'use strict';

function startGame() {
  console.log('80 70 60');

function parseArgs(args) {
  var state = {
    players: [],
    towns: []
  var argArray = args.split(';');
  state.currentTurn = parseInt(argArray.splice(0, 1)[0], 10);
  var myId = argArray.splice(0, 1)[0];
  var myTownId = parseInt(argArray.splice(0, 1)[0], 10);

  for(var townIndex = 0; townIndex < argArray.length; townIndex++) {
    var townArgs = argArray[townIndex].split('_');
    var playerId = townArgs[0];
    var townId = parseInt(townArgs[1], 10);
    var player = state.players[playerId];

    if(!player) {
      player = {
        towns: []
      state.players[playerId] = player;

    var town = {
      id: townId,
      knights: parseInt(townArgs[2], 10),
      lowborns: parseInt(townArgs[3], 10),
      player: player

    state.towns[townId] = town;
  } = state.players[myId];
  state.currentTown = state.towns[myTownId];

  return state;

function getDefense(town) {
  return Math.floor(town.knights * 1.2) + Math.ceil(town.lowborns / 2) + 1;

function getAttackers(town) {
  return Math.max(town.knights - Math.ceil(town.lowborns / 2), 0);

function attackTown(town, strength) {
  console.log('A ' + + ' ' + strength);

function supportTown(town, strength) {
  console.log('S ' + + ' ' + strength);

function wait() {

function processTurn(gameState) {
  var attackers = getAttackers(gameState.currentTown);

  if(attackers > 0) {
    var totalAttackers = attackers;

    var helperIndex = ( + 1) % gameState.towns.length;
    while(gameState.towns[helperIndex].player === {
      totalAttackers += getAttackers(gameState.towns[helperIndex]);
      helperIndex = (helperIndex + 1) % gameState.towns.length;

    var bestTarget;

    for(var targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < gameState.towns.length; targetIndex++) {
      var targetTown = gameState.towns[targetIndex];
      if(targetTown.player !== {
        var defense = getDefense(targetTown);

        if(defense < totalAttackers) {
          if(!bestTarget) {
            bestTarget = targetTown;
          else if(targetTown.lowborns > bestTarget.lowborns) {
            bestTarget = targetTown;
          else if(getDefense(bestTarget) < defense) {
            bestTarget = targetTown;

    if(bestTarget) {
      return attackTown(bestTarget, Math.min(attackers, getDefense(bestTarget)));

    var smallestTown;
    var smallestSize = gameState.currentTown.knights;

    for(var myTownIndex = 0; myTownIndex <; myTownIndex++) {
      var myTown =[myTownIndex];
      if(myTown.knights < smallestSize) {
        smallestTown = myTown;
        smallestSize = smallestTown.knights;

    if(smallestTown) {
      var supporters = Math.floor((smallestSize - gameState.currentTown.knights) / 2);
      supporters = Math.min(supporters, attackers);
      if(supporters > 0) {
        return supportTown(smallestTown, supporters);


if(process.argv.length <= 2) {
else {
  var gameState = parseArgs(process.argv[2]);  

Uruchom: węzeł imperium

Twoje zgłoszenie czasami wysyła więcej rycerzy, niż jest w mieście, i dlatego w tej chwili przegrywa ...

@Manu Ups, jakoś nigdy nie spotkałem (lub przynajmniej zauważyłem) tego w moich testach, być może dlatego, że nie miałem okazji skonfigurować wszystkich botów przeciwnika do testowania. Ten konkretny błąd powinien zostać teraz naprawiony.

To nadal nie jest naprawione ... czasami atakujesz z 0 lub z ujemną liczbą rycerzy ... To dlatego, że obliczasz knights - lowborns/2, ale jeśli masz 30 rycerzy i 90 nisko urodzonych, to nie działa. Napraw swoją getAttackers()funkcję.

Ponadto czasami wysyłasz wsparcie z ujemną liczbą rycerzy.

@Manu cóż, czuję się głupio, w końcu zauważyłem DEBUGflagę w kontrolerze, która powodowała, że ​​połyka ona błędy nawet przy GAME_MESSAGESustawionej flagi true. Czuję, że nadal może korzystać z niektórych prac na mojej strategii, zwłaszcza z Liberatora teraz na scenie, ale z najnowszej edycji nie widzę żadnych błędów podczas uruchamiania moich testów z DEBUGna


Java, Frankenstein

Próbując znaleźć sposób na zniszczenie Liberatora, w moim kodzie wpadł mały błąd. Kod zaczął wtedy niszczyć konkurencję. Po dodaniu Demokracji i uporządkowaniu graczy zaczęło się to nie udać. Studiując kod, próbowałem znaleźć jego strategię. W związku z tym utworzono następujący kod. Ma tendencję do atakowania i niszczenia najlepszego gracza. Po zniszczeniu najlepszych graczy, łatwo to niszczy resztę.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class Frankenstein {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;

    Town thisTown;

    int scariestPlayerId = -1;
    int scariestPlayerRecord = -1;

    private static final String LOG_FILE_NAME = "EmperorLog.txt";

    private static final String DATA_FILE_NAME = "Emperor.txt";

    public static void main(String[] args){
        try {
            if (args.length == 0) {
                System.out.println("100 100 100");
            Frankenstein frankenstein = new Frankenstein();
            String result = frankenstein.destroy(args[0].split(";"));
            if (DEBUG) {
                new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(LOG_FILE_NAME, true)).print(args[0] + "\n" + result + "\n");
        } catch (Exception e){
            if (DEBUG) {
                try {
                    e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(LOG_FILE_NAME, true)));
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {

    private void saveScariestPlayer() throws FileNotFoundException {
        PrintStream out = new PrintStream(DATA_FILE_NAME);

    private static int divide(int a, int b){
        if (a == 0){
            return 0;
        if (b == 0){
            return 1000;
        return a/b;

    private String destroy(String[] args) {

        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++) {
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns) {
            if (town.isMine()) {
                if (town.isThisTown()) {
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {


        if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() > 0){

            for (Town town : myTowns){
                if (town.needsHelp() && town.getFreeKnights() + thisTown.getFreeKnights() >= 0){
                    return "S " + town.getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights();

            Town bestTown =, b) -> divide(a.lowbornCount() * (scariestPlayerId == -1 || scariestPlayerId == a.ownerId ? a.lowbornCount() : 1), a.knightCount()) -
                    divide(b.lowbornCount() * (scariestPlayerId == -1 || scariestPlayerId == b.ownerId ? b.lowbornCount() : 1), b.knightCount())).get();

            if (bestTown.numberOfKnightsToConquer() <= thisTown.getFreeKnights()){
                return "A " + bestTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights();

            myTowns.sort((a,b) -> b.knightCount() - a.knightCount());
            myTowns.sort((a,b) -> b.lowbornCount() - a.lowbornCount());
            if (!myTowns.get(0).isThisTown()){
                return "S " + myTowns.get(0).getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights();


        return "W";


    private void updateScariestPlayer() {
        Map<Integer, Integer> playerMap = new HashMap<>();
        int biggestPlayerId = -1;
        for (Town town : otherTowns){
            if (playerMap.containsKey(town.ownerId)){
                playerMap.put(town.ownerId, town.lowbornCount() + playerMap.get(town.ownerId));
            } else {
                playerMap.put(town.ownerId, town.lowbornCount());
            if (biggestPlayerId == -1 || playerMap.get(town.ownerId) > playerMap.get(biggestPlayerId)){
                biggestPlayerId = town.ownerId;
        if (scariestPlayerId == -1 || scariestPlayerRecord == -1 || !playerMap.containsKey(scariestPlayerId) || playerMap.get(biggestPlayerId) > scariestPlayerRecord){
            scariestPlayerId = biggestPlayerId;
            scariestPlayerRecord = playerMap.get(biggestPlayerId);

    private void loadScariestPlayer() {
        try {
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(DATA_FILE_NAME));
            int turn = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
            if (turn != round || turn != round + 1){
                throw new Exception();
            scariestPlayerId = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
            scariestPlayerRecord = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            scariestPlayerId = -1;
            scariestPlayerRecord = -1;

    private class Town {
        final int ownerId;
        final int id;
        final int knights;
        final int lowborns;
        boolean defenseBonus;

        Town(String string) {
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            defenseBonus = true;

        int getId() {
            return id;

        int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        boolean isMine() {
            return ownerId == playerID;

        boolean isThisTown() {
            return id == thisTownID;

        int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

        int numberOfKnightsToConquer() {
            if (defenseBonus) {
                return ((knights * 6) / 5) + (lowborns / 2) + 1;
            } else {
                return knights + lowborns/2 + 1;

        int numberOfKnightsToOverthrow(){
            if (defenseBonus) {
                return (((knights * 6) / 5) - (lowborns / 2)) + 1;
            } else {
                return knights - lowborns / 2 + 1;

        boolean needsHelp() {
            return getFreeKnights() < 0;

        public boolean isNeutural() {
            return ownerId == -1;

Oto oryginalny odtwarzacz:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Frankenstein {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    Player me;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length == 0) {
            System.out.println("100 100 100");
        new Frankenstein().destroy(args[0].split(";"));

    private static int divide(int a, int b){
        if (a == 0){
            return 0;
        if (b == 0){
            return 1000000;
        return a/b;

    private void destroy(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++) {
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns) {
            if (town.isMine()) {
                if (town.isThisTown()) {
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {
        } -> == playerID).forEach(player -> me = player);

        if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() > 0){

            for (Town town : myTowns){
                if (town.needsHelp()){
                    System.out.println("S " + town.getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights() / 2);

            Town richestTown =, b) -> divide(a.lowbornCount(), a.knightCount()) -
                    divide(b.lowbornCount(), b.knightCount())).get();

            if (richestTown.numberOfKnightsToConquer() < thisTown.getFreeKnights()){
                System.out.println("A " + richestTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights());

            otherTowns.sort((a,b) -> divide(b.lowbornCount() * b.owner.richness(), b.getFreeKnights()) -
                    divide(a.lowbornCount() * a.owner.richness(), a.getFreeKnights()));

            if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() >= otherTowns.get(0).numberOfKnightsToOverthrow() && !otherTowns.get(0).isNeutral()){
                System.out.println("A " + otherTowns.get(0).getId() + " " + otherTowns.get(0).numberOfKnightsToOverthrow());

            myTowns.sort((a,b) -> b.knightCount() - a.knightCount());
            myTowns.sort((a,b) -> b.lowbornCount() - a.lowbornCount());
            if (!myTowns.get(0).isThisTown()){
                System.out.println("S " + myTowns.get(0).getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights());




    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;
        private final Player owner;

        private Town(String string) {
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            for (Player player : players){
                if ( == ownerId){
                    owner = player;
            owner = new Player(id);//This mistake makes my player perform really good for some reason.

        private int getId() {
            return id;

        private int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        private int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        private boolean isMine() {
            return ownerId == playerID;

        private boolean isThisTown() {
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

        private int numberOfKnightsToConquer() {
            return ((knights * 6) / 5) + (lowborns / 2) + 1;

        private int numberOfKnightsToOverthrow(){
            return (((knights * 6) / 5) - (lowborns / 2)) + 1;

        private boolean needsHelp() {
            return getFreeKnights() < 0;

        private boolean isNeutral() {
            return == -1;


    List<Player> players = new ArrayList<>();

    private class Player{

        int id;

        List<Town> towns;

        int richness = 0;

        Player(int id){
   = id;
            this.towns = new ArrayList<>();

        void addTown(Town t){
            richness += t.lowbornCount();

        int richness(){
            return id == -1 ? (towns.size() > 0 ? 1 : 0) : richness;


Przeprowadziłem 20 gier, przykro mi powiedzieć, że Frankenstein wygrał tylko 2 razy, a Liberator wygrał 17 razy (tak, Revolutionnist udało się wygrać Neutralowi raz, zdobywając 2 miejsce).

@Thrax Naprawiono !!!!!


Java, Turtle

Dzięki TheBestOne dla podstawowych metod właśnie zmieniłem algorytm (mam nadzieję, że to OK). Bot ten w zasadzie ulepsza swoje najlepiej bronione miasto, aby rywalizować z najniebezpieczniejszym wrogim miastem, jednocześnie utrzymując wystarczającą liczbę rycerzy, aby zapobiec powstaniu w innych miastach.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Turtle {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            System.out.println("34 34 34");
        new Turtle().defend(args[0].split(";"));

    private void defend(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        Town bestDefendedTown = null;
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            if (bestDefendedTown == null)
                bestDefendedTown = town;

            bestDefendedTown = bestDefendedTown.knightCount() >= town.knightCount() ? bestDefendedTown : town;

        Town dangerousEnemyTown = null;
        for (Town town : otherTowns) {
            if (dangerousEnemyTown == null)
                dangerousEnemyTown = town;

            dangerousEnemyTown = dangerousEnemyTown.knightCount() >= town.knightCount() ? dangerousEnemyTown : town;

        int missingKnights = dangerousEnemyTown.knightCount() - bestDefendedTown.knightCount() > 0 ? dangerousEnemyTown.knightCount() - bestDefendedTown.knightCount() : 0;
        int reinforcements = thisTown.getFreeKnights() - (missingKnights + 1) > 0 ? thisTown.getFreeKnights() - (missingKnights + 1) : thisTown.getFreeKnights(); 

        if (reinforcements > 0) {
            System.out.println("S " + bestDefendedTown.getId() + " " + reinforcements);
        } else {

    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        public int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        public int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

Skompilować: javac

Biegać: java Turtle

Myślę, że dangerousEnemyTown = dangerousEnemyTown.knightCount() >= town.knightCount() ? dangerousEnemyTown : town;nie miałeś na myślidangerousEnemyTown = bestDefendedTown.knightCount() >= town.knightCount() ? bestDefendedTown : town;

@TheBestOne Dziękujemy za zwrócenie na to uwagi! Aktualizacja mojego postu.

Poprawiłem także NPE, przez co mój Żółw czekał co turę. W rzeczywistości ten mały Żółw był do tej pory


Java 8, polityk

Zachowuje się jak prawdziwy polityk. Szkoda, że ​​Crasher wciąż go zabija.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Politician {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            System.out.println("34 34 34");
        new Politician().bribe(args[0].split(";"));

    private void bribe(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        Town biggestTown =,b) -> a.knights - b.knights).get();

        if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() <= 0){//Out of knights.
            System.out.println("W");//Waiting for taxes so can hire more knights.

        System.out.println("S " + biggestTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights());

    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        public int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        public int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;


Skompilować: javac

Biegać: java Politician

+1 za łapówkę, ale myślę, że przegapiłeś zbyt powszechną liemetodę


Java 8, Masło

Rozprzestrzenia się możliwie równomiernie. Dusi miasto, jeśli jest wystarczająco małe.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Butter {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            System.out.println("34 34 34");
        new Butter().spread(args[0].split(";"));

    private void spread(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        Town mySmallestTown =, b) -> a.getFreeKnights() - b.getFreeKnights()).get();

        Town smallestEnemyTown =,b) -> a.knights - b.knights).get();

        if ((thisTown.getFreeKnights() - mySmallestTown.getFreeKnights())/2 > 0) {
            System.out.println("S " + mySmallestTown.getId() + " " + (thisTown.getFreeKnights() - mySmallestTown.getFreeKnights()) / 2);
        } else if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() / 2 > smallestEnemyTown.numberOfKnightsToConquer()){
            System.out.println("A " + smallestEnemyTown.getId() + " " + smallestEnemyTown.numberOfKnightsToConquer());
        } else {

    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;

        private Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        private int getId() {
            return id;

        private int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        private int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        private int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        private boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        private boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

        private int numberOfKnightsToConquer(){
            return ((knights * 6) / 5) + (lowborns / 2) + 1;


Skompilować: javac

Biegać: java Butter


Java, rewolucjonista

Ostatni, wciąż oparty na podstawowych metodach TheBestOne. Ten bot próbuje wzbudzić bunt w każdym mieście, ponieważ neutralny gracz jest nieszkodliwy, zabijając pewną liczbę rycerzy w stosunku do niskiej populacji. Oczywiście nie zaatakuje neutralnego gracza.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Revolutionist {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            System.out.println("80 80 80");
        new Revolutionist().inciteRebellion(args[0].split(";"));

    private void inciteRebellion(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        Town onEdgeTown = null;
        int edgeCounter = 100;
        for (Town town : otherTowns) {
            if (onEdgeTown == null)
                onEdgeTown = town;

            if (town.getFreeKnights() >= 0 && town.getFreeKnights() <= edgeCounter && town.getOwner() >= 0) {
                onEdgeTown = town;
                edgeCounter = town.getFreeKnights();

        int minimumRequiredKnights = (int) ((onEdgeTown.knightCount() * 1.2 - onEdgeTown.getMinimumKnights() + 2) * 1.2) ;

        if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() > minimumRequiredKnights && onEdgeTown.getOwner() >= 0)
            System.out.println("A " + onEdgeTown.getId() + " " + minimumRequiredKnights);


    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        public int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        public int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

        private int getMinimumKnights() {
            return lowborns / 2 + 1;

Skompilować: javac

Biegać: java Revolutionist


JAVA, Sehtimianer

Jeszcze raz dzięki TheBestOne skopiowałem też jego podstawowe metody; ) Po raz pierwszy gram w KingOfTheHill-CodeGame, więc mam nadzieję, że wszystko zrobiłem dobrze. Z dumą prezentuję Sehtimianerów: D

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class Sehtimianer {

private static final String FILENAME = "Sehtimianer.txt";
private static final int AGGRESSIVE_ROUND_BORDER = 80;

int round;
int playerID;
int thisTownID;

List<Town> towns = new ArrayList<Town>();
List<Town> myTowns = new ArrayList<Town>();
List<Town> playerTowns = new ArrayList<Town>();
List<Town> neutralTowns = new ArrayList<Town>();
Map<Integer, Integer> townToPlayerMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
boolean isAllowedToWriteMapping = true;

Town thisTown;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length == 0) {
        // new File(FILENAME).delete();
        System.out.println("100 100 100");
    new Sehtimianer().decide(args[0].split(";"));

private void decide(String[] args) {
    // final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
    thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);

    for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++) {
        towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

    for (Town town : towns) {
        if (town.isMine()) {
            if (town.isThisTown()) {
                thisTown = town;
        } else {
            if (town.getOwner() == -1) {
            } else {

    if (new File(FILENAME).exists()) {
        try {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(FILENAME));
            String inputLine;
            String[] ids;
            while ((inputLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                ids = inputLine.split(";");
                if (ids.length == 1) {
                    Integer writingTownID = Integer.valueOf(ids[0]);
                    boolean townIsLost = true;
                    for (Town town : myTowns) {
                        if (town.getId() == writingTownID) {
                            townIsLost = false;
                    isAllowedToWriteMapping = townIsLost || thisTownID == writingTownID;
                townToPlayerMapping.put(Integer.valueOf(ids[0]), Integer.valueOf(ids[1]));

            for (Town town : towns) {
                if (!townToPlayerMapping.get(town.getId()).equals(town.getOwner())) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Dont worry : )

    if (round == 1) {
        int maxKnights = 0;
        int maxKnightTownID = thisTownID;
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            if (town == thisTown) {
            if (town.knightCount() > maxKnights) {
                maxKnights = town.knightCount();
                maxKnightTownID = town.getId();
        if (maxKnightTownID != thisTownID) {
            System.out.println("S " + maxKnightTownID + " " + thisTown.knightCount());
    } else if (round % 3 == 2) {
        int myKnightIncome = 0;
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            myKnightIncome += town.lowbornCount() / 2;

        Map<Integer, Integer> playerKnightIncomeMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        Map<Integer, Integer> playerTownCountMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        List<Integer> nextRoundKnights = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        Map<Integer, Town> nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Town>();

        for (Town town : playerTowns) {
            fillDescisionMaps(town, nextRoundKnights, nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping, playerKnightIncomeMap, playerTownCountMap);
        for (Town town : neutralTowns) {
            fillDescisionMaps(town, nextRoundKnights, nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping, playerKnightIncomeMap, playerTownCountMap);

        Integer maxEnemyKnightIncome = 0;
        for (Integer knightIncome : playerKnightIncomeMap.values()) {
            if (knightIncome > maxEnemyKnightIncome) {
                maxEnemyKnightIncome = knightIncome;
        Integer maxEnemyTownCount = 0;
        for (Integer townCount : playerTownCountMap.values()) {
            if (townCount > maxEnemyTownCount) {
                maxEnemyTownCount = townCount;

        if (maxEnemyKnightIncome > myKnightIncome || (round > AGGRESSIVE_ROUND_BORDER && maxEnemyTownCount >= myTowns.size())) {
            int possibleHighest = 0;
            Town enemyTown;
            int enemyTownUpkeep;
            for (int i = nextRoundKnights.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                possibleHighest = nextRoundKnights.get(i);
                enemyTown = nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping.get(possibleHighest);
                enemyTownUpkeep = enemyTown.lowbornCount() / 2;
                if (enemyTownUpkeep > (possibleHighest - enemyTownUpkeep)) { // Substract the calculated Income for the next Turn
                    // Town will be lost because of revolution after captured -> Bad target
                    possibleHighest = 0;
                if (round > AGGRESSIVE_ROUND_BORDER || enemyTown.lowbornCount() > 0) {
            if (possibleHighest > 0) {
                Town attackedTown = nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping.get(possibleHighest);
                System.out.println("A " + attackedTown.getId() + " " + calcHowMuchKnightsShouldAttack(attackedTown, possibleHighest));

    if (isAllowedToWriteMapping) {
        try {
            BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(FILENAME));
            writer.write(thisTownID + "\n");
            for (Town town : towns) {
                writer.write(town.getId() + ";" + town.getOwner() + "\n");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Dont worry : )


    // long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
    // if (duration > 1000) {
    // throw new RuntimeException();
    // }

private void fillDescisionMaps(Town town, List<Integer> nextRoundKnights, Map<Integer, Town> nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping, Map<Integer, Integer> playerKnightIncomeMap,
        Map<Integer, Integer> playerTownCountMap) {
    int calculatedKnights = calcKnightsInNextRound(town);
    nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping.put(calculatedKnights, town);

    Integer enemyKnightIncome = playerKnightIncomeMap.get(town.getOwner());
    if (enemyKnightIncome == null) {
        enemyKnightIncome = town.lowbornCount() / 2;
    } else {
        enemyKnightIncome = enemyKnightIncome + (town.lowbornCount() / 2);
    playerKnightIncomeMap.put(town.getOwner(), enemyKnightIncome);

    Integer enemyTownCount = playerTownCountMap.get(town.getOwner());
    if (enemyTownCount == null) {
        enemyTownCount = Integer.valueOf(1);
    } else {
        enemyTownCount = enemyTownCount + 1;
    playerTownCountMap.put(town.getOwner(), enemyTownCount);

private int calcKnightsInNextRound(Town enemyTown) {
    int knights = (int) ((double) enemyTown.knightCount() * (enemyTown.isDefenseBonus() ? 1.2 : 1));
    knights = thisTown.getFreeKnights() - knights;
    if (knights > 0) {
        knights += enemyTown.lowbornCount() / 2;
    } else {
        knights = 0;
    return knights;

private int calcHowMuchKnightsShouldAttack(Town enemyTown, int possibleHighest) {
    if (round < AGGRESSIVE_ROUND_BORDER && thisTown.lowbornCount() == 0) {
        return thisTown.knightCount();

    int spareKnights = possibleHighest - enemyTown.lowbornCount(); // Correct -> div 2 and mul 2
    int minShouldSend = thisTown.getFreeKnights() - (spareKnights / 2);

    return Math.max(minShouldSend, thisTown.knightCount() / 2);

private class Town {
    private final int ownerId;
    private final int id;
    private final int knights;
    private final int lowborns;
    private boolean defenseBonus;

    public Town(String string) {
        String[] args = string.split("_");
        ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
        defenseBonus = true;

    public boolean isDefenseBonus() {
        return defenseBonus;

    public void setDefenseBonus(boolean defenseBonus) {
        this.defenseBonus = defenseBonus;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public int getOwner() {
        return ownerId;

    public int knightCount() {
        return knights;

    public int lowbornCount() {
        return lowborns;

    public boolean isMine() {
        return ownerId == playerID;

    public boolean isThisTown() {
        return id == thisTownID;

    private int getFreeKnights() {
        return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

Sehtimianie próbują przewyższyć całą grę i kończą ją na końcu. Mam nadzieję, że mój bot nie zrobi nic złego :)


Java, Exodus

Jeszcze raz, w oparciu o podstawowe metody TheBestOne. Bot ten migruje z miasta do miasta, gdy osiągnie pewien poziom populacji rycerzy, bez względu na właściciela, i powtarzaj ten proces, aż przekształci cały świat.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Exodus {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            System.out.println("100 100 100");
        new Exodus().migrate(args[0].split(";"));

    private void migrate(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

       if (thisTown.knightCount() >= 100) {
           int nextTownId = thisTown.getId() + 1 > towns.size() - 1 ? 0 : thisTown.getId() + 1;
           Town nextTown = towns.get(nextTownId);
          if (nextTown.isMine()){
              System.out.println("S " + nextTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.knightCount()) ;
          } else {
              System.out.println("A " + nextTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.knightCount()) ;
       } else {
           System.out.println("W") ;

    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        public int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        public int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

Skompilować: javac

Biegać: java Exodus


Python 2, Demokracja

Ten król nie jest królem. To coś nowoczesnego. To król ludzi . To jest demokracja. Jest powolny, nieefektywny, a kiedy coś robi, robi to źle.

import sys
from math import sqrt, ceil

class Town:
    def __init__(self, owner, ID, military, civilian):
    def canBeat(self, other):
        otherPower    = int(ceil(*1.2))
        otherMinPower = int(ceil(other.freeK*1.2))
        selfPower     = self.freeK
        if selfPower<otherMinPower:
            return 0
        elif selfPower<otherPower or (selfPower-otherPower)*2-1<other.civ:
            return 1
            return 2
    def canMove(self, other):
        otherPower    = int(ceil(*1.2))
        otherMinPower = int(ceil(other.freeK*1.2))
        if otherPower<
            return 2
        elif otherMinPower<
            return 1
            return 0

    def canDefend(self, other):
        return self.freeK>

def attack_weak():

    for town in EnemyTowns:
        if curr.canMove(town)==2:
            print "A",,
    for town in EnemyTowns:
        if curr.canMove(town)==1:
            print "A",,

    for et in EnemyTowns:
        if< and!=-1:
    print "A",,

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print 96, 96, 96
    Round, PlayerId, TownId, Towns = sys.argv[1].split(";", 3)
    Towns=[[int(i) for i in town.split("_")] for town in Towns.split(";")]
    Towns=[Town(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]) for i in Towns]
    MyTowns=[t for t in Towns if t.isEnemy==False]
    EnemyTowns=[t for t in Towns if t.isEnemy]
    GameStateEnd = [t for t in EnemyTowns if!=-1]==[]
    curr=[town for town in MyTowns if town.isCurrent][0]

    support=[town for town in MyTowns if town.freeK<1]
    if support!=[]:
        for town in support:
                if town.civ<5:
                elif town.freeK<-10:
                    print "W"
        for town in support:
            if abs(town.freeK-2)<curr.freeK-2:
                print "S",, abs(town.freeK-2)
                if curr.freeK>10:
                    print "S",, int(abs(town.freeK-2)*0.2)
    if GameStateEnd:
        selection.sort(key=(lambda x: ( if x.civ>3 else
        for s in selection:
            if curr.canBeat(s)==2 and s.civ>
                    print "A",, NF+(
    if curr.freeK>10:
        MyTowns.sort(key=lambda x:
        print "S", MyTowns[-1].id, (curr.freeK-5)/5*3
    print "W"

Uruchom python2 Zauważ, że demokracja wymaga Python 2 .

Edycja: Naprawiono błąd związany z drukowaniem obiektu miasta

To czasami daje wynik <__main__.Town.

Muszę to naprawić ...
Hannes Karppila


C ++ 11, CalculatedFail

po tym, jak wypróbowałem kilka rzeczy z małą Javą, którą znam i nie byłem w stanie osiągnąć tego, czego chciałem, postanowiłem napisać ją ponownie w C ++ i dodać obsługę plików. Problem polegał na tym, że mój C ++ jest dość zardzewiały i niewiele lepszy, więc niektóre części są ze sobą powiązane i to tylko pierwsze rozwiązanie w Google, więc nie bardzo dobry kod ...

mimo to udało mi się uzyskać przynajmniej działający wynik, który nie jest do kitu, wygrywa przynajmniej czasami, ale nie mogę go idealnie przetestować, ponieważ nie jestem w stanie uruchomić wszystkich innych zgłoszeń na tym komputerze. Prawdopodobnie przepiszę całkowicie kierowanie i dodam je jako kolejną odpowiedź dzisiaj lub jutro.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ratio>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class Town {
    Town(int owner, int townId, int knights, int population, int roundToDefBonus);
    int getOwner();
    int getId();
    int getKnights();
    int getPopulation();

    int getFreeKnights();
    int neededConquer();
    int getKnightsStable();
    int getRoundToDef();

    bool operator< (const Town &other) const  {
        return townId < other.townId;
    int owner;
    int townId;
    int knights;
    int population;
    int roundToDefBonus;
    double defBonus;

Town::Town(int inOwner, int inTownId, int inKnights, int inPopulation, int inRoundToDefBonus) {
    owner = inOwner;
    townId = inTownId;
    knights = inKnights;
    population = inPopulation;
    roundToDefBonus = inRoundToDefBonus;
    if(roundToDefBonus > 0) {
        defBonus = 1;
        defBonus = 1.2;

int Town::getOwner() {
    return owner;
int Town::getId() {
    return townId;
int Town::getKnights() {
    return knights;
int Town::getPopulation() {
    return population;
int Town::getFreeKnights() {
    return knights - population / 2;
int Town::neededConquer() {
    return max(static_cast<int>(ceil(knights * defBonus + population / 2)), 1);
int Town::getKnightsStable() {
    return population / 2;
int Town::getRoundToDef() {
    return roundToDefBonus;

int gameRound;
int myId;
int thisTownId;
Town* thisTown;

vector <Town> myTowns;
vector <Town> enemyTowns;

vector <Town> lastTime;

string turn();
Town* bestTarget(int knights);
Town* bestSafe(int knights);
Town* biggestTarget(int knights);
Town* biggestSafe(int knights);

string out(string, int, int);
string attack(Town*);
string safe(Town*);

bool sortTowns(const Town & t1, const Town & t2);

vector <string> stringSplit(string input, string delimeter);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    if(argc < 2){
        cout << "100 100 100";
        ofstream myFile;"CalculatedFail.txt");
        myFile << "0\n";
        if(argc == 2){

            string input = argv[1];
            vector <string> params = stringSplit(input, ";");

            gameRound = atoi(;
            myId = atoi((;
            thisTownId = atoi(;

            ifstream myfile("CalculatedFail.txt");
                string line;

                getline(myfile, line);
                bool newRound = false;
                if(atoi(line.c_str()) > gameRound) {
                    newRound = true;

                vector <string> oldVals;
                if(!newRound) {
                    while (getline(myfile, line)) {
                        oldVals = stringSplit(line, "_");

                        int playerId = atoi(;
                        int townId = atoi(;
                        int knights = atoi(;
                        int population = atoi(;
                        int roundToDefBonus = atoi(;

                        lastTime.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundToDefBonus));
                else {
                    while (getline(myfile, line)) {
                        oldVals = stringSplit(line, "_");

                        int playerId = atoi(;
                        int townId = atoi(;
                        int knights = atoi(;
                        int population = atoi(;
                        int roundToDefBonus = atoi(;
                        if(roundToDefBonus) {   //if round def bonus > 0, decrement because new round
                            roundToDefBonus --;

                        lastTime.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundToDefBonus));

                std::sort(lastTime.begin(), lastTime.end());

            if(lastTime.size() > 0) {
                vector <string> values;
                for(int i = 3; i < params.size(); i++) {

                    values = stringSplit(, "_");

                    int playerId = atoi(;
                    int townId = atoi(;
                    int knights = atoi(;
                    int population = atoi(;

                    int roundsToDef =;
                    if(playerId != {
                        roundsToDef = 2;
                    if(playerId == myId){
                        if(thisTownId != townId)
                            myTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef));
                            thisTown = new Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef);
                        enemyTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef));
            else {
                vector <string> values;
                for(int i = 3; i < params.size(); i++) {

                    values = stringSplit(, "_");

                    int playerId = atoi(;
                    int townId = atoi(;
                    int knights = atoi(;
                    int population = atoi(;

                    if(playerId == myId){
                        if(thisTownId != townId)
                            myTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0));
                            thisTown = new Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0);
                        enemyTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0));

            string tmp = turn();
            cout << tmp;

            ofstream writeFile("CalculatedFail.txt");
            if(writeFile.is_open()) {
                writeFile << gameRound <<"\n";

                writeFile << thisTown->getOwner() <<"_"<<thisTown->getId()<<"_"<<thisTown->getKnights()<<"_"<< thisTown->getPopulation()<<"_"<<thisTown->getRoundToDef()<<"\n";

                for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
                    writeFile << myTowns[i].getOwner() <<"_"<<myTowns[i].getId()<<"_"<<myTowns[i].getKnights()<<"_"<< myTowns[i].getPopulation()<<"_"<<myTowns[i].getRoundToDef()<<"\n";
                for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
                    writeFile << enemyTowns[i].getOwner() <<"_"<<enemyTowns[i].getId()<<"_"<<enemyTowns[i].getKnights()<<"_"<< enemyTowns[i].getPopulation()<<"_"<<enemyTowns[i].getRoundToDef()<<"\n";

            cout<<"error, wrong parameter";


    delete thisTown;

    return 0;

string turn() {
    Town* safeTarget;
    Town* attackTarget;
    if(thisTown->getFreeKnights() < 0) {    //evacuate
        safeTarget = biggestSafe(thisTown->getKnights());
        attackTarget = biggestTarget(thisTown->getKnights());

        if(safeTarget != nullptr && attackTarget != nullptr){
            if(safeTarget->getPopulation() > attackTarget->getPopulation()) {
                return out("S", safeTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
            else {
                return out("A", attackTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
            return out("S", safeTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
            return out("A", attackTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
        Town* target = &;
        for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 1; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
            if(target->getPopulation() < myTowns[i].getPopulation())
                target = &myTowns[i];
        return out("S", target->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());


    safeTarget = biggestSafe(thisTown->getFreeKnights());
    attackTarget = bestTarget(thisTown->getFreeKnights());

    if(safeTarget != nullptr && attackTarget != nullptr){
        if(safeTarget->getPopulation() > attackTarget->getPopulation()) {
            return safe(safeTarget);
        else {
            return attack(attackTarget);
        return safe(safeTarget);
        return attack(attackTarget);

    return "W";

Town* bestTarget(int knights) {
    Town* target = nullptr;
    double ratio = -1;
    for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        if(enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < knights) {
            if(enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() / enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() > ratio) {
                target = &enemyTowns[i];
                ratio = enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() / enemyTowns[i].neededConquer();
    return target;

Town* biggestTarget(int knights) {
    Town* target = nullptr;
    int population = -1;
    for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        if(enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < knights) {
            if(enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() > population) {
                target = &enemyTowns[i];
                population = target->getPopulation();
    return target;

Town* biggestSafe(int knights) {
    Town* target = nullptr;
    int population = -1;
    for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
        if(myTowns[i].getFreeKnights() < 0 && myTowns[i].getFreeKnights() + knights >= 0){
            if(myTowns[i].getPopulation() > population) {
                target = &myTowns[i];
                population = target->getPopulation();
    return target;

string attack(Town* target){
    int knights;
    if(thisTown->getPopulation() > target->getPopulation()) {
        knights = target->neededConquer();
        knights = thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    return out("A", target->getId(), knights);
string safe(Town* target){
    int knights;
    if(thisTown->getPopulation() > target->getPopulation()) {
        knights = target->getFreeKnights() * -1;
        knights = thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    return out("S", target->getId(), knights);
string out(string order, int targedId, int knights) {
    stringstream tmp;
    tmp << order << " " << targedId << " " << knights;
    return tmp.str();

vector <string> stringSplit(string input, string delimeter) {
    stringstream tmp(input);
    vector <string> splitted;
    string pushThis;
    while (getline(tmp, pushThis,{

    return splitted;

Połącz z: g++ -std=c++11 CalculatedFail.cpp -o CalculatedFail.exe

Google mówi na Linuksie, że to CalculatedFail.out zamiast .exe, ale nie mogę go przetestować.

i biegnij CalculatedFail.exe

ponieważ używa pliku do sprawdzenia premii def, jednoczesne uruchomienie gry wiele razy może prowadzić do błędów ...

mam nadzieję, że działa poprawnie bez większych problemów

Jestem całkiem pewien, że w systemie Linux nie miałby rozszerzenia pliku.

Nie mogę tego uruchomić z kontrolera Java w systemie Windows. Skompilowałem to, jak powiedziałeś. Działa poprawnie z wiersza poleceń.

ok, to ja byłem głupi, zapomniałem zmienić nazwę pliku tekstowego na początku gry, myślę, że powinien się teraz

Myślę, że to problem ze sterownikiem.

próbowałem zaktualizowanej wersji? wczoraj miałem przypadkowo 2 różne nazwy plików. Wersja AttackOn3 rzadko ma błędy skrętu, jeśli już wygrała, ale oba działają idealnie dobrze z kontrolerem w moim systemie.


Java, Illuminati

Przeczytałem to i wiedziałem, że nigdy nie będę w stanie wymyślić skutecznej strategii, więc postanowiłem zagrać w żałośnie niedostatecznie reprezentowanych jaszczurkach, którzy mogą rządzić nami lub nie. Zamiast walczyć z innymi botami, ten zmusza ich do współpracy, tylko po to, aby porzucić je na samym końcu. Ten bot nie pozostawia żadnych trwałych obrażeń.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


public class Illuminati
    private static final String template = 
            "import;import java.util.Scanner;import;\n" +
            "public class <<NAME>> \n" +
            "{public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {if(args.length == 0) {\n" +
            "System.out.println(\"35 35 35\");} else { File ill_data = new File(\"Illuminati.txt\");\n" + 
            "String order = new String();Scanner sc = new Scanner(ill_data);\n" +
            "while(sc.hasNextLine()){order = sc.nextLine();} sc.close(); int city = Integer.parseInt(order);" +
            "Illuminati.TurnDescriptor desc = new Illuminati.TurnDescriptor(args[0]);" +
            "int amt = desc.thistown.getFreeKnights(); System.out.println(\"S \" + city + \" \" + amt); }}}";

    private static final File datafile = new File("Illuminati.txt");

    private static final JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
        if(args.length == 0)
            if(compiler != null)

                File parentdir = datafile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
                List<File> torecompile = new ArrayList<File>();

                for(File f : parentdir.listFiles())
                        if(f.getName().endsWith(".class") && !f.getName().contains("$") && !f.getName().equals("Illuminati.class"))

                for(File f : torecompile)
                    File newfile = new File(f.getName() + ".temp");
                    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newfile);
                    int val;
                    while((val = != -1)

                List<File> tocompile = new ArrayList<File>();

                for(File f : torecompile)
                    String classname = f.getName().substring(0, f.getName().length() - 6);
                    String code = template.replace("<<NAME>>", classname);
                    File temp = new File(classname + ".java");
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(temp);

                StandardJavaFileManager manager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
                compiler.getTask(null, manager, null, null, null, manager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(tocompile)).call();

                tocompile.forEach(file -> file.delete());

                System.out.println("34 34 34");
                System.out.println("85 85 85");
                TurnDescriptor descriptor = new TurnDescriptor(args[0]);
                int knights = descriptor.thistown.getFreeKnights();
                int stockpile =
                .filter(town -> town.owner == descriptor.thistown.owner)
                .mapToInt(town ->
                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(datafile);
                pw.println("" + stockpile);
                if( != stockpile)
                    System.out.println("S " + stockpile + " " + knights);
                if(descriptor.round > 80 && (descriptor.round & 1) == 1) //If the round is greater than 80 and is odd
                    if( == stockpile)
                        Town target =
                        .filter(town -> town.owner != descriptor.playerid)

                        System.out.println("A " + + " " + descriptor.thistown.getFreeKnights());
                if(descriptor.round == 99) //Resume normal AI practices
            else //Man, now we have to actually do stuff
                System.out.println("W"); //Just kidding! Suicide!

    private static void resetClassesFromCache() throws IOException
        File parentdir = datafile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();

        for(File f : parentdir.listFiles())
                if(f.getName().endsWith(".class.temp") && !f.getName().contains("$"))
                    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
                    File out = new File(f.getName().substring(0, f.getName().length() - 5));
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(out, false);

                    int val;
                    while((val = != -1)


    public static class Town
        public final int owner;
        public final int id;
        public final int knights;
        public final int lowborns;

        public Town(String chunk)
            String[] vals = chunk.split("_");
            owner = Integer.parseInt(vals[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(vals[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(vals[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(vals[3]);

        public int getFreeKnights()
            return knights - (lowborns/2) - 1;

    public static class TurnDescriptor
        public final List<Town> towns;
        public final int round;
        public final int playerid;
        public final Town thistown;

        public TurnDescriptor(String s)
            String[] info = s.split(";");
            round = Integer.parseInt(info[0]);
            playerid = Integer.parseInt(info[1]);
            final int townid = Integer.parseInt(info[2]);

            towns = new ArrayList<Town>();
            for(int i = 3; i < info.length; i++)
                Town t = new Town(info[i]);

            thistown =
            .filter(town -> {return == townid;})

Chociaż jest to interesująca odpowiedź, „ inne zasoby zewnętrzne są niedozwolone ”. Twoje zgłoszenie jest zatem wykluczone z prób, ale i tak go poprę;)


Java, SuperProducer

W mojej części świata jest już późno, więc nie mam wystarczająco dużo czasu, aby rozwinąć swoje zdanie. Będę planować później wyjaśnić, jak to działa.

Wydajność bota wydaje się być wysoce zależna od kolejności startowej, którą wygrywa przez pewien czas ...

Miałem kilka pomysłów na zwiększenie rund wygranych ... ale poza czasem: P

package moogiesoft;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IntSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class SuperProducer implements Serializable
    private static final int MAX_POSSIBLE_LOWBORNS_IN_TOWN = 50;
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8652887937499233654L;
    public final String FILE = this.getClass().getSimpleName()+".txt";
    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Map<Integer, Conquest> townOwnerShipMap = new HashMap<Integer, Conquest>();

    Town thisTown;
    private int targetOpponent = -1; // the id of the opponent that out towns will endevour to direct their attacks 
    private int maxOpponentTownSize; // the number of knights of the opponent town with the most knights
    private int avgOpponentTownSize; // the average number of knights in an opponent town
    private int midAvgMaxOpponentTownSize; // value 1/2 between average and max knights in an opponent town

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            new SuperProducer().sendStartingKnights();
            new SuperProducer().letsDoIt(args[0].split(";"));

    private void sendStartingKnights()
        // delete any stale state information
        File file = new File(FILE);

        System.out.println("100 100 0");

    private void letsDoIt(String[] args)
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++)
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        // load in stored state information
        File file = new File(FILE);
        if (file.exists())
                ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
                townOwnerShipMap = (Map<Integer, Conquest>) ois.readObject();
                targetOpponent  = ois.readInt();
            catch (Exception e)

        for (Town town : towns)

            // update town conquest map
            Conquest conquest = townOwnerShipMap.remove(town.getId());
            if (conquest==null)
                conquest = new Conquest(town.ownerId, -1);
            else if (town.getOwner()!=conquest.getOwner())

            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        String response = "W";

        // this town has some knights to potentially command...
        if (thisTown.getKnightCount()>0)
            // first round... consolidate into 1 super town
            if (round==1)
                int thisTownIndex=myTowns.indexOf(thisTown);
                switch (thisTownIndex)
                    case 1:
                    case 0:
                        // if we are the first town then move all knights into second town
                        if (myTowns.size()>1 && thisTown.getKnightCount()<200)
                            response = "S " + myTowns.get(thisTownIndex+1).getId() + " " + thisTown.getKnightCount();
                        // the third town does nothing!
                // second round... go find some good starting towns to conquer
                if (round==2)
                    // this town is a town able to attack
                    if (thisTown.getKnightCount()>100)
                        // If by some miracle we still own the town with no knights then re-inforce it.
                        Town superTown =>a.getKnightCount()==200).findFirst().get();
                        if (superTown!=null && superTown.getId()!=thisTown.getId())
                            response = "S " + superTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getKnightCount();
                            // find the next most productive Town...
                            Town townToAttack = otherTowns.get(0);
                            for (Town town : otherTowns)
                                if (town.getLowbornCount()>townToAttack.getLowbornCount())
                                    if (townToAttack.getOwner()!=playerID)

                            // the town to attack is most likely the own we lost due to having no knights to begin with...
                            response = "A " + townToAttack.getId() + " " + thisTown.getKnightCount();
                    // else this is a conquered town so lets not do anything!
                else if (round>97)
                    int attackForce = thisTown.getFreeKnights()/4;
                    if (thisTown.getFreeKnights()>attackForce && attackForce>0)

                        boolean goFlag=false;
                        Town townToAttack = null;
                        for (Town town : towns)
                            if (town==thisTown) goFlag=true;
                            else if (goFlag && town.getOwner()!=thisTown.getOwner())
                                if (town.getLowbornCount()==0)

                        if (townToAttack==null)
                            for (Town town : otherTowns)
                                if (town.getLowbornCount()==0)

                        if (round > 98 && townToAttack==null)
                            for (Town town : otherTowns)
                                attackForce = thisTown.getKnightCount()-town.getKnightCount()-town.getMinimumKnights()-1-thisTown.getMinimumKnights()-1;
                                if (attackForce>0)

                        if (townToAttack!=null)
                            response = "A " + townToAttack.getId() + " " + attackForce;
                            int thisTownIndex = myTowns.indexOf(thisTown);
                            int supportSize = Math.min(thisTown.getKnightCount()/4, thisTown.getFreeKnights());

                            if (supportSize>thisTown.getMinimumKnights() && thisTownIndex<myTowns.size()-1)
                                Town townToSupport = myTowns.get(thisTownIndex+1);
                                response = "S " + townToSupport.getId() + " " + (thisTown.getKnightCount()-thisTown.getKnightCount()/4);


                // we are on non-beginning non-ending round...
                    // calculate statistics
                    IntSummaryStatistics statistics =;
                    maxOpponentTownSize = statistics.getMax();
                    avgOpponentTownSize = (int) statistics.getAverage();
                    midAvgMaxOpponentTownSize = (maxOpponentTownSize+avgOpponentTownSize)/2;

                    if ((round-1)%3==1)
                        // find the next strongest town of our target Opponent that produces knights...
                        Town townToAttack = null;
                        for (Town town : otherTowns)
                            if (town.getLowbornCount() > 0 && town.getOwner() == targetOpponent && (townToAttack == null || town.getKnightCount()>townToAttack.getKnightCount()))

                        // target opponent cannot grow so choose another opponent...
                        // favour the weakest opponent that has has some towns that produces towns..
                        // otherwise favour the weakest opponent
                        if (townToAttack==null)

                        int minKnightsToLeaveAtThisTown = calculateDesiredKnightsAtTown(thisTown);
                        int minKnightsToLeftAtAttackedTownAfterBattle = calculateDesiredKnightsAtTown(townToAttack);

                        double defenceBonus = townToAttack.hasDefenceBonus()?1.2:1;
                        double defenderAttackStrength = townToAttack.getKnightCount() * defenceBonus;
                        int knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound =  minKnightsToLeftAtAttackedTownAfterBattle + (int) (defenderAttackStrength);
                        knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound = knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound + ((knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound-defenderAttackStrength - townToAttack.getMinimumKnights() < 0) ?townToAttack.getMinimumKnights():0);
                        int knightsLeftAtSortieingTownAfterAttacking = thisTown.getKnightCount()-knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound;

                        // if the sortieing town is sufficiently safe from another attack after it attempts to attack the other town will it try to attack  
                        if (knightsLeftAtSortieingTownAfterAttacking > thisTown.getMinimumKnights()*2 &&
                            knightsLeftAtSortieingTownAfterAttacking>minKnightsToLeaveAtThisTown &&
                            response = "A " + townToAttack.getId() + " " + knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound;
                        // not safe... so lets support our other towns
                            int surplusKnights = thisTown.getKnightCount()-minKnightsToLeaveAtThisTown;

                            // this town has surplusKnights
                            if (surplusKnights>0)
                                int knightsAvailable = Math.min(surplusKnights, thisTown.getFreeKnights());

                                // find our weakest and strongest towns
                                Town myWeakestTown=null;
                                Town myStrongestTown=null;
                                for (Town town : myTowns)
                                    if (!(town.getKnightCount()==0 && round<50) && (myWeakestTown == null || town.getKnightCount()<myWeakestTown.getKnightCount()))
                                    if (!(town.getKnightCount()==0 && round<50) && ( myStrongestTown == null || town.getKnightCount()>myStrongestTown.getKnightCount()))

                                // see if my Weakest Town needs support
                                Town townToSupport = null;
                                int knightsToSend=0;
                                if (thisTown!=myWeakestTown)
                                    int desiredKnightsAtTown = calculateDesiredKnightsAtTown(myWeakestTown);

                                    if (myWeakestTown.getKnightCount()<desiredKnightsAtTown)
                                        int deltaDesiredKnights = desiredKnightsAtTown-myWeakestTown.getKnightCount();
                                        knightsToSend = Math.min(knightsAvailable, deltaDesiredKnights);

                                // no towns needed support so we will attempt to support the strongest town
                                if (townToSupport == null)
                                    if (thisTown!=myStrongestTown)
                                        int desiredKnightsAtTown = calculateDesiredKnightsAtTown(myStrongestTown);
                                        if (myStrongestTown.getKnightCount()<desiredKnightsAtTown)
                                            int deltaDesiredKnights = desiredKnightsAtTown-myStrongestTown.getKnightCount();
                                            knightsToSend = Math.min(knightsAvailable, deltaDesiredKnights);

                                            knightsToSend = knightsAvailable;

                                // support the chosen town if possible
                                if (townToSupport != null)
                                    response = "S " + townToSupport.getId() + " " + knightsToSend;

        // save state information
            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
        catch (Exception e)


    // returns a town of the opponent that is deemed to be the most worthy
    private final Town chooseNewOpponentToAttack()
        Town townToAttack=null;

        // calculate opponent sizes
        HashMap<Integer,Opponent> opponentMap = new HashMap<Integer, Opponent>();
        for (Town town : otherTowns)
            Opponent opponent = opponentMap.get(town.getOwner());
            if (opponent == null)
                opponent = new Opponent(town.getOwner());
                opponentMap.put(town.getOwner(), opponent);

        // create sorted list of opponents based on strength. 
        List<Integer> opponentsByStrength = new ArrayList<Integer>(opponentMap.keySet());
        opponentsByStrength.sort(new Comparator<Integer>()
            public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2)
                Opponent left = opponentMap.get(o1);
                Opponent right = opponentMap.get(o2);

                return left.getTotalKnights()-right.getTotalKnights();

        // attempt to choose the weakest opponent's weakest town that has some ability to generate knights...
        for (Integer opponent : opponentsByStrength)
            for (Town town : opponentMap.get(opponent).getTowns())
                if (town.getOwner() !=-1 && town.getLowbornCount() > 0 && (townToAttack == null || town.getKnightCount()<townToAttack.getKnightCount()))
                    break out;

        // no opponents left with knights producing towns... just go for the weakest town.
        if (townToAttack == null)
            for (Town town : otherTowns)
                if (townToAttack == null || town.getKnightCount()<townToAttack.getKnightCount())

        return townToAttack;

    // returns the number of knights that should make this town safe from attack
    final private int calculateDesiredKnightsAtTown(Town town)
        int minimumKnightsWeWantInATown = avgOpponentTownSize;
        return minimumKnightsWeWantInATown + town.getLowbornCount()==0?0:(minimumKnightsWeWantInATown +(int) (((double) town.getLowbornCount() / MAX_POSSIBLE_LOWBORNS_IN_TOWN) * (midAvgMaxOpponentTownSize-minimumKnightsWeWantInATown)));

    /** represents a conquest of a Town by a player */
    class Conquest implements Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1120109012356785962L;
        private int owner;
        private int conquestRound;
        public int getOwner()
            return owner;
        public void setOwner(int owner)
            this.owner = owner;
        public int getConquestRound()
            return conquestRound;
        public void setConquestRound(int conquestRound)
            this.conquestRound = conquestRound;
        public Conquest(int owner, int conquestRound)
            this.owner = owner;
            this.conquestRound = conquestRound;


    /** represents an opponent in the simulation */
     private class Opponent implements Serializable
         private int ownerId;
         private int totalKnights;
         private List<Town> towns = new ArrayList<SuperProducer.Town>();

         public void addTown(Town town)

        public int getOwnerId()
            return ownerId;

        public int getTotalKnights()
            return totalKnights;

        public List<Town> getTowns()
            return towns;

        public Opponent(int ownerId)
            this.ownerId = ownerId;

     /** represents a Town in the simulation */
     private class Town implements Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5011668142883502165L;
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;
        private boolean defenceFlag =true;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        public boolean hasDefenceBonus()
            return defenceFlag;

        public void setDefenceBonus(boolean defenceFlag)
            this.defenceFlag = defenceFlag;

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        public int getKnightCount() {
            return knights;

        public int getLowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

        private int getMinimumKnights() {
            return lowborns / 2 + 1;

Kompilacja: javac

Uruchom: java moogiesoft.SuperProducer


C ++ 11, attackOn3

sam kod nie stał się ładniejszy, ale teraz używam innego sposobu kierowania, prawdopodobnie dodam komentarze do kodu później.

wydaje się być w porządku z botami, które prowadzę, chociaż nadal jest ciężko w porównaniu z Frankensteinem i Liberatorem i nie może konsekwentnie wygrywać.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ratio>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class Town {
    Town(int owner, int townId, int knights, int population, int roundToDefBonus);

    int getOwner();

    int getId();

    int getKnights();

    int getPopulation();

    int getFreeKnights();

    int neededConquer();

    int needRevolt();

    int getRoundToDef();

    bool operator<(const Town &other) const {
        return townId < other.townId;

    int owner;
    int townId;
    int knights;
    int population;
    int roundToDefBonus;
    double defBonus;

Town::Town(int inOwner, int inTownId, int inKnights, int inPopulation, int inRoundToDefBonus) {
    owner = inOwner;
    townId = inTownId;
    knights = inKnights;
    population = inPopulation;
    roundToDefBonus = inRoundToDefBonus;
    if (roundToDefBonus > 0) {
        defBonus = 1;
    else {
        defBonus = 1.2;

int Town::getOwner() {
    return owner;

int Town::getId() {
    return townId;

int Town::getKnights() {
    return knights;

int Town::getPopulation() {
    return population;

int Town::getFreeKnights() {
    return knights - population / 2;

int Town::neededConquer() {
    return max(static_cast<int>(ceil(knights * defBonus + population / 2)), 1);

int Town::needRevolt() {
    return knights * defBonus - population / 2;

int Town::getRoundToDef() {
    return roundToDefBonus;

#define maxRounds 100
#define newKnights 3

const int attackround = newKnights - 1;
const int getEmptyTowns = maxRounds - 5;

int gameRound;
int myId;
int thisTownId;
Town *thisTown;

vector<Town> myTowns;
vector<Town> enemyTowns;

vector<Town> lastTime;

string turn();

Town *bestGainTarget(int knights);

Town *bestSafe(int knights);

Town *biggestTarget(int knights);

Town *biggestSafe(int knights);

Town *weakTarget(int knights);

string out(string, int, int);

string attack(Town *);

string safe(Town *);

bool sortTowns(const Town &t1, const Town &t2);

vector<string> stringSplit(string input, string delimeter);

int getBiggestEnemyId();

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc < 2) {
        cout << "100 100 100";
        ofstream myFile;"attackOn3.txt");
        myFile << "0\n";
    else {
        if (argc == 2) {

            string input = argv[1];
            vector<string> params = stringSplit(input, ";");

            gameRound = atoi(;
            myId = atoi((;
            thisTownId = atoi(;

            ifstream myfile("attackOn3.txt");
            if (myfile.is_open()) {
                string line;

                getline(myfile, line);
                bool newRound = false;
                if (atoi(line.c_str()) > gameRound) {
                    newRound = true;

                vector<string> oldVals;
                if (!newRound) {
                    while (getline(myfile, line)) {
                        oldVals = stringSplit(line, "_");

                        int playerId = atoi(;
                        int townId = atoi(;
                        int knights = atoi(;
                        int population = atoi(;
                        int roundToDefBonus = atoi(;

                        lastTime.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundToDefBonus));
                else {
                    while (getline(myfile, line)) {
                        oldVals = stringSplit(line, "_");

                        int playerId = atoi(;
                        int townId = atoi(;
                        int knights = atoi(;
                        int population = atoi(;
                        int roundToDefBonus = atoi(;
                        if (roundToDefBonus) {   //if round def bonus > 0, decrement because new round

                        lastTime.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundToDefBonus));

                std::sort(lastTime.begin(), lastTime.end());

            if (lastTime.size() > 0) {
                vector<string> values;
                for (int i = 3; i < params.size(); i++) {

                    values = stringSplit(, "_");

                    int playerId = atoi(;
                    int townId = atoi(;
                    int knights = atoi(;
                    int population = atoi(;

                    int roundsToDef =;
                    if (playerId != {
                        roundsToDef = 2;
                    if (playerId == myId) {
                        if (thisTownId != townId)
                            myTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef));
                        else {
                            thisTown = new Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef);
                    else {
                        enemyTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef));
            else {
                vector<string> values;
                for (int i = 3; i < params.size(); i++) {

                    values = stringSplit(, "_");

                    int playerId = atoi(;
                    int townId = atoi(;
                    int knights = atoi(;
                    int population = atoi(;

                    if (playerId == myId) {
                        if (thisTownId != townId)
                            myTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0));
                        else {
                            thisTown = new Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0);
                    else {
                        enemyTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0));

            string tmp = turn();
            cout << tmp;

            ofstream writeFile("attackOn3.txt");
            if (writeFile.is_open()) {
                writeFile << gameRound << "\n";

                writeFile << thisTown->getOwner() << "_" << thisTown->getId() << "_" << thisTown->getKnights() << "_" << thisTown->getPopulation() << "_" << thisTown->getRoundToDef() << "\n";

                for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
                    writeFile << myTowns[i].getOwner() << "_" << myTowns[i].getId() << "_" << myTowns[i].getKnights() << "_" << myTowns[i].getPopulation() << "_" << myTowns[i].getRoundToDef() << "\n";
                for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
                    writeFile << enemyTowns[i].getOwner() << "_" << enemyTowns[i].getId() << "_" << enemyTowns[i].getKnights() << "_" << enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() << "_" << enemyTowns[i].getRoundToDef() << "\n";
        else {
            cout << "error, wrong parameter";

    delete thisTown;

    return 0;

string turn() {
    Town *safeTarget;
    Town *attackTarget;
    if (thisTown->getFreeKnights() < 0) {    //evacuate
        safeTarget = biggestSafe(thisTown->getKnights());
        attackTarget = biggestTarget(thisTown->getKnights());

        if (safeTarget != nullptr && attackTarget != nullptr) {
            if (safeTarget->getPopulation() > attackTarget->getPopulation()) {
                return out("S", safeTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
            else {
                return out("A", attackTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
        if (safeTarget) {
            return out("S", safeTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
        if (attackTarget) {
            return out("A", attackTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
        Town *target = &;
        for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 1; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
            if (target->getPopulation() < myTowns[i].getPopulation())
                target = &myTowns[i];
        return out("S", target->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());


    safeTarget = biggestSafe(thisTown->getFreeKnights());
    if (gameRound % newKnights == attackround) {      //knights only get produced every 3 town, i want to conquer the best towns just before that so i get more reinforments and dont need to fight quite that much
        attackTarget = bestGainTarget(thisTown->getFreeKnights());
    else {       //but if a town is easy to aquiere i still want it, e. g. because of revolution or someone weakened it so that it will revolte
        attackTarget = weakTarget(thisTown->getFreeKnights());

    if (safeTarget != nullptr && attackTarget != nullptr) {
        if (safeTarget->getPopulation() > attackTarget->getPopulation()) {
            return safe(safeTarget);
        else {
            return attack(attackTarget);
    if (safeTarget) {
        return safe(safeTarget);
    if (attackTarget) {
        return attack(attackTarget);

    if (gameRound > getEmptyTowns) {     //empty towns dont matter early on but still count to win score
        for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() < 2) {
                if (enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < thisTown->getFreeKnights()) {
                    return attack(&enemyTowns[i]);

    int biggestEnemy = getBiggestEnemyId();
    //if last round attack possible biggest other guy
    if (gameRound == maxRounds) {
        int targetKnights = -1;
        Town *target;
        for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getOwner() == biggestEnemy) {
                if (enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < thisTown->getFreeKnights()) {
                    if (enemyTowns[i].getFreeKnights() > targetKnights) {
                        target = &enemyTowns[i];
                        targetKnights = target->getFreeKnights();
        if (targetKnights > -1) {
    //revolt from biggest other guy
    if (gameRound > 10) {        //most bots need a bit of time
        int targetPop = 0;
        Town *target;
        for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getOwner() == biggestEnemy) {
                if (enemyTowns[i].needRevolt() < thisTown->getFreeKnights()) {
                    if (enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() > targetPop) {
                        target = &enemyTowns[i];
                        targetPop = target->getPopulation();
        if (targetPop != 0) {
            return attack(target);

    return "W";

Town *bestGainTarget(int knights) {
    Town *target = nullptr;
    int gain = -thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    int now = -thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    //int loses = thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        int conquer = enemyTowns[i].neededConquer();
        if (conquer < knights && enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() > 0) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() * 2 *1.2 - conquer > gain) {
                if(enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() - conquer > now){
                    target = &enemyTowns[i];
                    now = target->getPopulation() - conquer;
                    gain = target->getPopulation() * 2 - conquer;
    return target;

Town *weakTarget(int knights) {     //maybe change it that it prefers targets with 0/40 over 24/50
    Town *target = nullptr;
    double population = 1;
    for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        if (enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < knights) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getKnights() < enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() / 2) {
                if (enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() > population) {
                    target = &enemyTowns[i];
                    population = target->getPopulation();
    return target;

Town *biggestTarget(int knights) {
    Town *target = nullptr;
    int population = -1;
    for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        if (enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < knights) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() > population) {
                target = &enemyTowns[i];
                population = target->getPopulation();
    return target;

Town *biggestSafe(int knights) {
    Town *target = nullptr;
    int population = -1;
    for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
        if (myTowns[i].getFreeKnights() < 0 && myTowns[i].getFreeKnights() + knights >= 0) {
            if (myTowns[i].getPopulation() > population) {
                target = &myTowns[i];
                population = target->getPopulation();
    return target;

int getBiggestEnemyId() {
    int players[enemyTowns.size() / 3 + 1];
    for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        if (enemyTowns[i].getOwner() != -1) {
            players[enemyTowns[i].getOwner()] = enemyTowns[i].getPopulation();
    int max = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < enemyTowns.size() / 3 + 1; i++) {
        if (players[i] > players[max]) {
            max = i;

string attack(Town *target) {
    int knights;
    if (thisTown->getPopulation() > target->getPopulation()) {
        knights = target->neededConquer();
    else {
        knights = thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    return out("A", target->getId(), knights);

string safe(Town *target) {
    int knights;
    if (thisTown->getPopulation() > target->getPopulation()) {
        knights = target->getFreeKnights() * -1;
    else {
        knights = thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    return out("S", target->getId(), knights);

string out(string order, int targedId, int knights) {
    stringstream tmp;
    tmp << order << " " << targedId << " " << knights;
    return tmp.str();

vector<string> stringSplit(string input, string delimeter) {
    stringstream tmp(input);
    vector<string> splitted;
    string pushThis;
    while (getline(tmp, pushThis, {
    return splitted;

skompiluj z: g++ -std=c++11 attackOn3.cpp -o attackOn3.exe
i uruchomattackOn3.exe

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