Zagraj w golfa w niestandardowej sekwencji Fibonacciego


Ciąg Fibonacciego jest dość dobrze znana rzecz tutaj. Cholera, ma nawet swój własny tag. Mimo to z pewnością lubimy trzymać się naszych korzeni 1, 1, ...(a może tak 0, 1, ...? Być może nigdy się nie dowiemy ...). W tym wyzwaniu zasady są takie same, ale zamiast dostać ten nelement w sekwencji Fibonacciego, otrzymasz ten nelement w sekwencji Fibonacciego od x, y, ....


Trzy liczby całkowite, w dowolnej kolejności. njest indeksem (indeksowanym 0 lub 1) terminu w sekwencji dla danych wyjściowych. xi ysą pierwszymi dwoma elementami w sekwencji Fibonacciego w bieżącym programie.


nP określenie w ciągu Fibonacciego wychodząc z x, y.

Przypadki testowe


n   x     y     out
5   0     0     0
6   0     1     8
6   1     1     13
2   5     5     10
10  2     2     178
3   3     10    23
13  2308  4261  1325165
0   0     1     0
1   0     1     1


n   x     y     out
6   0     0     0
7   0     1     8
7   1     1     13
3   5     5     10
11  2     2     178
4   3     10    23
14  2308  4261  1325165
1   0     1     0
2   0     1     1


Załóżmy 0 <= x <= y.

Zwróć uwagę na kolejność wprowadzania (musi być stała).

Czy możemy wziąć listę jako dane wejściowe?
Business Cat

@ BusinessCat masz na myśli [1, 2, 3]? Tak. Cokolwiek potrzebujesz, aby zaakceptować 3 liczby całkowite.

@StephenS Co powiesz na wprowadzenie danych, ponieważ n,[x,y]gdzie njest liczba i xczy yliczby są na liście? Prawdopodobnie jest to jednak zbyt elastyczne;)

@ CAD97 Dodam je, zapomniałem o nich :)



Galaretka , 3 bajty


Takes x, y, and n (0-indexed) as separate command-line arguments, in that order.

Try it online!

How it works

+¡ạ  Main link. Left argument: x. Right argument: y. Third argument: n

  ạ  Yield abs(x - y) = y - x, the (-1)-th value of the Lucas sequence.
+¡   Add the quicklink's left and right argument (initially x and y-x), replacing
     the right argument with the left one and the left argument with the result.
     Do this n times and return the final value of the left argument.


CJam, 14 9 bytes


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Input format is "x y n". I'm still a noob at this, so I'm 100% sure there are better ways to do this, but please instead of telling me "do this" try to only give me hints so that I can find the answer myself and get better. Thanks!

ririri can be shortened to 2 bytes. fI can be shortened to 1 byte.

Welcome to PPCG!
Martin Ender

@Dennis improved! Thank you! And thanks for the welcome.


JavaScript (ES6), 27 26 bytes

Nothing fancy here, just a standard JS Fibonacci function with the initial values of 0 & 1 removed.


Try it

input{margin:0 5px 0 0;width:50px;}
<label for=i>n: </label><input id=i type=number><label for=j>x: </label><input id=j type=number><label for=k>y: </label><input id=k type=number><label for=o>= </label><input id=o>


Haskell, 30 bytes

x#y=(f!!)where f=x:scanl(+)y f

Try it online! 0-indexed. Use as (x#y)n, e.g. (0#1)5 for the fifth element of the original sequence.

The most likely shortest way to get the Fibonacci sequence in Haskell is f=0:scanl(+)1f, which defines an infinite list f=[0,1,1,2,3,5,8,...] containing the sequence. Replacing 0 and 1 with arguments x and y yields the custom sequence. (f!!) is then a function returning the nth element of f.


Brain-Flak, 38 bytes


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{({}[()]<                      >)}     # For n .. 0
         (({}<>)<>            )        # Copy TOS to the other stack and add it to...
                  {}                   # The second value
                    <(<>{}<>)>         # Copy what was TOS back
                                  {}{} # Pop the counter and the n+1th result


Jelly, 6 bytes


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   µ¡  - repeat n times (computes the n+1th and n+2th element):
 S     -  take the sum of the elements of the previous iteration (starting at (x,y))
;      -  append to the end of the previous iteration
  Ḋ    -  remove the first element
     I - Take the difference of the n+1th and n+2th to get the n-th.


TAESGL, 4 bytes





Input taken as n,[x,y]

AēB)     get implicit input "A" Fibonacci numbers where "B" is [x,y]
    Ė    pop the last item in the array


Prolog (SWI), 77 bytes

f(N,Y,Z):-M is N-1,f(M,X,Y),Z is X+Y.

Try it online!

Started off golfing Leaky Nun's answer and arrived at something completely different.

This one has a rule for (Nᵗʰ, (N+1)ᵗʰ) in terms of ((N-1)ᵗʰ, Nᵗʰ) and uses database management to assert 0ᵗʰ and 1ˢᵗ elements at runtime.

f(N,X,Y) means Nᵗʰ element is X and (N+1)ᵗʰ element is Y.


Braingolf, 15 bytes


_; is no longer needed on the latest version of Braingolf, however that's as of ~5 minutes ago, so would be non-competing.


MATL, 7 bytes


Output is 0-based.

Try it at MATL Online!


Let the inputs be denoted n (index), a, b (initial terms).

:"     % Implicitly input n. Do this n times
       %   At this point in each iteration, the stack contains the two most
       %   recently computed terms of the sequence, say s, t. In the first
       %   iteration the stack is empty, but a, b will be implicitly input
       %   by the next statement
  w    %   Swap. The stack contains t, s
  y    %   Duplicate from below. The stack contains t, s, t
  +    %   Add. The stack contains t, s+t. These are now the new two most
       %   recently comnputed terms
]      % End
x      % Delete (we have computed one term too many). Implicitly display


R, 39 bytes


A simple recursive function. Funnily enough this is shorter than anything I can come up with for the regular Fibonacci sequence (without built-ins), because this doesn't have to assign 1 to both x and y =P

Calculates n+1 numbers of the sequence, including the initial values. Each recursion is calculates with n-1 and stopped when n==0. The lowest of the two numbers is then returned, giving back the n-th value.


PHP>=7.1, 55 Bytes


Online Version

PHP>=7.1, 73 Bytes


Online Version

Taking advantage of strange PHP's evaluation order: $y=+$x+$x=$y. Also, you can use just $n-- instead of $i++<$n.


Common Lisp, 49 Bytes, 0-indexed

(defun fib(n x y)(if(= 0 n)x(fib(1- n)y(+ x y))))

I'm a Lisp noob so any tips would be appreciated ;)


(defun fib(n x y)                                  | Define a function taking 3 arguments
                 (if(= 0 n)x                       | If n = 0, return x
                            (fib(1- n)y(+ x y))))  | Otherwise, call fib with n-1, y, and x+y


br**nfuck, 39 29 bytes

Thanks to @JoKing for -10!


TIO won't work particularly well for this (or for any BF solution to a problem involving numbers). I strongly suggest @Timwi's EsotericIDE (or implementing BF yourself).

Takes x, then y, then n. 0-indexed. Assumes an unbounded or wrapping tape.


,<,<,            Take inputs. Tape: [n, y, x]
[                While n:
  > [->+>+<<]      Add y to x, copying it to the next cell along as well. Tape: [n, 0, x+y, y]
  < [>+<-]         Move n over. Tape: [0, n, x+y, y]
  >-               Decrement n.
] >>.            End loop. Print cell 2 to the right (x for n == 0).

Why do you bother moving x and y when you can just move n? Try It Online
Jo King

@JoKing Considered that (but longer on my own), but it doesn't quite work, unless OP allows "-1-indexing".
Khuldraeseth na'Barya

Oh, just add a > to the end or swap x and y order
Jo King

@JoKing My palm hit my face quite hard just now. Thanks!
Khuldraeseth na'Barya

Why did you bother to censor "brain" but not the second word in the programming language's name?


05AB1E, 9 bytes


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`           # split inputs as separate to stack
 ©          # store n in register
  G         # n-1 times do
   D        # duplicate top of stack
    Š       # move down 2 places on stack
     +      # add top 2 values of stack
      }     # end loop
       ®@   # get the value nth value from the bottom of stack


Axiom, 88 57 bytes


this would pass the test proposed (0 indexed)

(14) -> f(5,0,0)
   (14)  0
                                                 Type: NonNegativeInteger
(15) -> f(6,0,1)
   (15)  8
                                                    Type: PositiveInteger
(16) -> f(2,5,5)
   (16)  10
                                                    Type: PositiveInteger
(17) -> f(10,2,2)
   (17)  178
                                                    Type: PositiveInteger
(18) -> f(3,3,10)
   (18)  23
                                                    Type: PositiveInteger
(19) -> f(13,2308,4261)
   (19)  1325165
                                                    Type: PositiveInteger

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