Odwróć ciąg po kawałkach


Twoim zadaniem jest napisanie programu, który, biorąc pod uwagę liczbę i ciąg, dzieli ciąg na fragmenty tego rozmiaru i odwraca je.


Twój program otrzyma dodatnią liczbę całkowitą n, a także ciąg so długości co najmniej jeden składający się tylko z drukowalnego ASCII (bez białych znaków). Łańcuch powinien być następnie podzielony na kawałki długości n, jeśli długość łańcucha nie jest podzielna przezn resztki na końcu, należy uznać za własny kawałek. Następnie odwróć kolejność kawałków i połącz je ponownie.

Przypadki testowe

n   s           Output

2   abcdefgh    ghefcdab
3   foobarbaz   bazbarfoo
3   abcdefgh    ghdefabc
2   a           a
1   abcdefgh    hgfedcba
2   aaaaaa      aaaaaa
2   baaaab      abaaba
50  abcdefgh    abcdefgh
6   abcdefghi   ghiabcdef

To jest , więc powinieneś dążyć do jak najmniejszej liczby bajtów.



Galaretka , 2 bajty


Pełny program, który drukuje wynik.

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W jaki sposób?

sṚ - Main link: string, number                                   e.g. 'abcdefg', 3
s  - split string into chunks of length number (keeping any overflow) ["abc","def","g"]
 Ṛ - reverse the resulting list                                       ["g","def","abc"]
   - implicit print                                                   gdefabc

Podoba mi się, jak dwa bajty wygenerowały 4 wiersze wyjaśnień.


JavaScript (ES6), 37 bajtów


Pobiera dane wejściowe przez curry: najpierw liczba, a następnie ciąg znaków, jak f(2)("abcdefgh").


Perl 6 ,  28  20 bajtów



{[R~] $^b.comb($^a)}



{  # bare block lambda with placeholder parameters 「$a」 and 「$b」
  [R[~]] # reduce the following using the reverse meta operator `R`
         # combined with the string concatenation operator

    # `comb` with a number splits the invocant into chunks of that size


Röda , 36 bajtów

f n{[[_]..[try head n-1]]|reverse|_}

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Jest to funkcja, która wymaga jednego argumentu. Znaki ciągu muszą znajdować się w strumieniu.

trysłuży do odrzucania błędów w przypadku, gdy headfunkcja nie może odczytać n-1wartości.


f n{[[_]..[try head n-1]]|reverse|_}
f n{                               } /* Function declaration */
                                     /* In a loop: */
      _                              /*   Pull one value */
           try head n-1              /*   Pull n-1 values (or less) */
     [ ]..[            ]             /*   Make an array */
    [                   ]            /*   Push it to the stream */
                         |reverse    /* Reverse all values in the stream */
                                 |_  /* Flat all arrays in the stream */
                                     /* Characters in the stream are printed */

Nie tak zaciemnione jak zwykle. Myślę, że to całkiem piękne. :)

Udało ci się uczynić program mniej czytelnym niż roztwór galaretki.

Dlaczego nie [[try head n]]działa zamiast [[_]..[try head n-1]]?
Kritixi Lithos

@KritixiLithos Ponieważ zapętla _wyrażenie. [[try head n]]przyjmie n wartości jeden raz , ale [[_]..[try head n-1]]przyjmie n wartości, o ile pozostaną wartości.


CJam , 5 bajtów


Dane wejściowe to liczba i ciąg zamknięty w podwójnych cudzysłowach, oddzielone spacjami.

Wypróbuj online! Lub sprawdź wszystkie przypadki testowe .


q~   e# Read all input and evaluate: pushes a number and a string
/    e# Split string into chunks of that size. Last chunk may be
     e# smaller. Gives an array of strings
W%   e# Reverse the array. Implicitly display


Partia, 74 bajty

@if %2=="" (echo %~3)else set s=%~2&call %0 %1 "%%s:~%1%%" "%%s:~,%1%%%~3"

Raczej denerwująco kończy się to raczej rekurencyjnym niż rekurencyjnym.


V , 13 10 bajtów


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ò      ò    ' Recursively
 À|         ' Go to the "nth" column
   l        ' Move one character right (breaks loop when no more chunks)
    D       ' Delete from here to the end of the line
     Ï      ' Add a line above the current line (now contains one chunk)
      p     ' Paste the remainder of the line that was deleted
        Íî  ' Remove all newlines

W akcji:


przemienia się w


która staje się


zanim wszystkie nowe wiersze zostaną usunięte


pieprzenie mózgu , 78 bajtów


Pierwszy bajt danych wejściowych to wielkość porcji podana przez wartość bajtu. Resztę bajtów uważa się za ciąg.

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Rozszerzony i skomentowany

Read the chunk size byte
This cell will become a counter cell

Move left a few cells an increment; 
this is to make the starting position 
line up with the relative positioning
needed to fit in with the loop

While the current cell is nonzero:

 Move right to the first zero cell

 Move right once and increment and then move right to the counter cell
 The increment is required because of "move to zero cell" loops

 This loop will store one chunk of the input in consecutive memory cells
  [>]   Move right until a zero cell is hit
  ,     Store 1 byte of input there
  <[<]  Move back left until a zero cell (other than the current one) is hit
  >+>-  Increment the temporary cell by 1 and decrement the counter
 ] (end loop once the counter hits zero)

 Decrement the temp cell (because we needed to have 1 there initially to make the cell location work)

 Move the temp cell to three cells after the end of the chunk
 This is the new counter cell for the next chunk

 Move two cells right from where the temp cell was
 This is the first cell of the chunk; if it's 0
 then the input is finished and the loop should end

Due to the way the counter is kept track of the tape head
will always be four cells to the right of the last input cell
when the loops breaks

Now the chunks are printed one by one
At the start of an iteration the tape head is at the end of a chunk
 Locate the start of the last chunk

 Print the chunk:
  Print the byte held in the current cell if it isn't 1
  This is necessary because we left a stray 1 in a cell at
  the start which shouldn't be printed

  Move to the next cell

 Move to just left of the chunk

 Move three cells over to the end of the next chunk


PowerShell, 56 49 bajtów

-7 bajtów dzięki mazzy


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1) 49 bytes 2) Please, post a full program, not a codesnippet. How to check? Extract your code in a separate file with the extension .ps1 and try calling this script instead of your code. If it works, then the test was successful.


Mathematica, 46 bytes


Anonymous function. Takes a number and a string as input and returns a string as output. Not much to see here.


Javascript - 54 47 46 bytes



Used as


Thank you to @ETHproductions for some RegEx quickenning Thank you to @Shaggy for an extra byte in the eval!


(s,n)=>s.match(new RegExp('.{1,'+n+'}','g')).reverse()

Nice answer! I believe you can save a couple bytes by creating the regex with eval('/.{1,'+n+'}/g')

@ETHproductions Ah yes. That's what I've been attempting to do. I wasn't familiar enough with regex to do it though!
Blue Okiris

I think you can save a byte with currying, s=>n=> ...

Save a byte with eval("/.{1,${n}}/g"), using backticks instead of quotation marks.


Retina, 38 bytes

1 byte saved thanks to @LeakyNun


+`(.* (1)+¶)((?<-2>.)+)

(Note the space on the second line, and the trailing space)

This program takes input as unary on the first line, and the string on the second.

Try it online!

Test Suite! (slightly modified)


The first step is to prepend a space (will become important later on).


Now we reverse. This uses .NET's balancing groups. It is important to note that groups here act as stacks, so every match is essentially pushed onto the stack. Here we capture every digit in the unary number into group 2. Now each time a character in the string is found, a match is popped from group 2. This ensures the the number of characters does not exceed that of the unary number.

+`(.* (1)+¶)                       Capture the unary number in group 2
             ((?<-2>.)+)           Balancing group for substrings
$3$1                               Reverse

And finally remove the unary number and the newline.


I think it is acceptable to take the number in unary.
Leaky Nun

Anyhow, you can replace \d by . to save a byte.
Leaky Nun

The second ^ is also redundant.
Leaky Nun

@LeakyNun The program now takes input in unary, so I have no need for the \d anymore. And thanks for golfing away the caret :)
Kritixi Lithos

33 bytes by using lazy (non-greedy) match.
Leaky Nun


Java, 147 138 Bytes

String r(String s,int n){String r="";int l=s.length();for(int i=l/n*n;i>=0;i-=n)if(!(i>=l))r+=(i+n)>=l?s.substring(i):s.substring(i,i+n);return r;}

Saved 9 Bytes thanks to Kevin Cruijssen!

String r(String s,int n){String r="";int l=s.length(),i=l/n*n;for(;i>=0;i-=n)if(i<l)r+=i+n>=l?s.substring(i):s.substring(i,i+n);return r;}

In expanded form:

String r(String s,int n){
    String r="";
    int l=s.length(),i=l/n*n;
    return r;

This is actually my first try to codegolf ever, so any feedback is welcome!

Welcome to PPCG!

Hi, welcome to PPCG! This is already pretty good, but there are still a few things to golf some more: int l=s.length();for(int i=l/n*n; can be int l=s.length(),i=l/n*n;for(; so you only have int once. And if(!(i>=l)) can be if(l<i). And r+=(i+n)>=l? can be without the parenthesis: r+=i+n>=l?. Also, if you haven't seen it yet, I can recommend looking through Tips for Golfing in Java for some pretty cool golfing tips to use. :) Once again, welcome.
Kevin Cruijssen


Perl 5, 25 bytes

Uses the -lnM5.010 flags.

say reverse<>=~/.{1,$_}/g

Try it online!

Shoutout to Grinnz for telling me about =~ m/.{1,$n}/g

-M5.010 enables the use of the say function, which for our purposes is print with a shorter name.

-n puts the first line of input into $_, and -l chomps off the trailing newline.

We then get the second line of input using <>, and apply it to the regex .{1,$_}: any character, between 1 and $_ (the first input) times. Since this is greedy by default, it tries to always match $_ characters. The 1, is needed for the possible leftover chunk at the end.

The /g modifier gives us every match of that regex in the input string as a list, which is then reversed and printed. In Perl, passing a list to say joins it without any delimiter by default.


Python, 62 bytes

lambda n,s:''.join([s[i:i+n]for i in range(0,len(s),n)][::-1])

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Python3 answer is shorter & also works for python 2.7: f=lambda n,s:s and f(n,s[n:])+s[:n]


QBIC, 24 bytes


This makes excellent use of the new substring-function I recently added to QBIC:

:;          Read in the cmd line params a (number) and A$ (text)
[1,_lA|,a|  Set up a FOR loop: FOR b = 1; b <= A$.length; b += a
Z=          Modify Z$; Z$ is autoprinted at the end of QBIC code
_sA,b,a|    SUBSTRING: _s is the function followed by the string 
               to take from, the starting pos and the # of chars
+Z          Take chunks from further into A$, put them before Z$


C, 69 bytes


Result is printed out to the standard output.


Scala, 57 55 bytes


Thanks Jacob! Try it here.

Note: By using the symbol form of foldLeft ("/:"), I was able to take off a couple more bytes.

make it anonymous function, and use mkString instead of reduceLeft, and shave off 7 bytes: (n:Int,s:String)=>s.grouped(n).toSeq.reverse.mkString("")


Ohm, 5 bytes


Try it online!


σ         # Split input1 into input2 pieces
 ]        # Flatten array
  Q       # Reverses stack
   W      # Wraps stack to array
    J     # Joins stack
          # Implicit print

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