2,5 GHz i7
Intel Iris Pro i NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M (automatyczne włączanie grafiki, było na Intel)
OSX 10.10.1
System wydawał się zawiesić. Zegar Menu iStat zatrzymał się, kursor się nie poruszył itp. Próbowałem (fizycznie) zamknąć i ponownie otworzyć, ale nie poszedł spać, a logo z jabłkiem z tyłu pozostało włączone. Opcja-moc-polecenie i moc-kontrola-opcja również nic nie zrobiły. Po wymuszonym wyłączeniu (długie naciśnięcie przycisku zasilania) i uruchomieniu, zapytał, czy chcę ponownie otworzyć okna Findera po wymuszonym zamknięciu go, „zamknąłeś komputer z powodu problemu” i:
Niewiele robiłem, niewiele zainstalowałem (stosunkowo nowy komputer). Domyślam się, że to Saffire Mix Control firmy Focusrite. A może Safari.
Oto niektóre konsole:
12/9/14 20:17:21.209 apsd[52]: Attempt to set push wake topics without dark wake enabled: ()
12/9/14 20:17:21.216 apsd[52]: Attempt to set push wake topics without dark wake enabled: ()
12/9/14 20:17:21.222 apsd[52]: Attempt to set push wake topics without dark wake enabled: ()
12/9/14 20:17:21.223 xpcproxy[384]: CFPreferences could not connect to its daemon.
Preferences using the connection 0x0 will be volatile and will not be persisted to disk.
12/9/14 20:17:21.224 xpcproxy[386]: CFPreferences could not connect to its daemon.
Preferences using the connection 0x0 will be volatile and will not be persisted to disk.
12/9/14 20:17:21.227 apsd[52]: Attempt to set push wake topics without dark wake enabled: ()
12/9/14 20:17:21.276 askpermissiond[385]: objc[385]: Class FALogging is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCircle and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyNotification.framework/Versions/A/FamilyNotification. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
12/9/14 20:17:21.337 locationd[57]: Couldn't find a requirement string for masquerading client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Parsec.framework
12/9/14 20:17:21.338 locationd[57]: could not get apple languages array, assuming english
12/9/14 20:17:21.368 mapspushd[397]: [Warning] Services all disappeared, removing all accounts
12/9/14 20:17:21.368 mapspushd[397]: [Warning] Services all disappeared, removing all enabled accounts
12/9/14 20:17:21.368 mapspushd[397]: [Warning] Services all disappeared, removing all dependent devices
12/9/14 20:17:21.422 askpermissiond[385]: StoreTransport: Resetting APS Connection using environment name production
12/9/14 20:17:21.535 storeaccountd[286]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fc3b100a0e0> connection from pid 379 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fc3b100a7e0> (PID 379)
12/9/14 20:17:21.551[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.637[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny file-read-metadata /Library
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny mach-lookup
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny mach-lookup
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny mach-lookup
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny mach-lookup
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny mach-lookup
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny mach-lookup
12/9/14 20:17:21.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(25) deny mach-lookup
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